Oct 30, 2011

Browns on Quarantine

This character kept me from church this morning after a particularly rough afternoon/evening/night yesterday.  A cold is not just a cold on Noah.  Cold germs go right for the jugular with him every time and he coughs and coughs and wheezes and coughs and he just can't get any relief.  Praise the Lord that our pediatrician's office is open on the weekends because we were there second in line before the doors even opened this morning.  I was just hoping to find a stronger breathing treatment than the ones we were using, but it turns out he also needed a steroid to kick-start his poor lungs (bronchitis, at this point) and an antibiotic for the sinus and ear infection he also had going on.  Poor thing. 

So no sooner do I make him sit still all day and rest, rest, rest in between breathing treatments and drugs, than this little pink character starts claiming her whole body hurts.  We hear this a lot actually, so we pretty much ignored it for several hours.  And of course, just after Josh left for a bible study tonight, she started throwing up and up and up.  Yuck.  Poor thing.  Several changes of clothes and floor coverings later, she is feeling much better and claiming she is fit as a fiddle and ready to trick or treat tomorrow.  Hmmmm.

So I had to cancel on our MOPS steering team meeting for the morning, cancel on a Halloween play date for Anna, and it's still undecided if Noah will make it to school tomorrow (thought my vote is yes).  And when Josh got home from his bible study tonight he let me know he'll likely take a sick day tomorrow, as well.  He's apparently not feeling so great himself.  There's just no rest for the weary, is there?

As for me, I'm just glad we got in our family photo session yesterday morning before all this started!


Emily said...

no joke! I'm surprised with all the wheezing and hacking Noah was able to do the pictures....
I'm glad it went well....That's my fear of setting big dates like that...that someone will be injured or sick as a dog.

Hope they're feeling better, poor babies....

we just got over the wheezing crud with Brooklyn and now Natalie is coughing (though she's not a wheezer like Brooklyn is, so I feel like it's a relief still)

Kimberly said...

That's just it. The relentless coughing didn't start til that afternoon.

Both seem to be good today which is a relief. We've had to sit out Halloween once before and it is such a let down!