Oct 26, 2011

Kimmie? KNITTING?!

About 10 of us from MOPS got together yesterday for a 2 hour intro-to-knitting class at a local knit shop.  Knitting is something productive that could be so right up my alley because it'll keep my hands busy while I listen to something, watch tv, wait for people/appts., and chat it up with friends.  I was hoping I could get it, but wasn't real confident that my fingers would cooperate. :S

Kimmie meets the needles. 
Here I am learning to "cast on" and I caught on really quickly and thought I was a natural or something.  THAT'S when I learned we weren't even really knitting yet.  :P

Hard at work still.

Wait a cotton-pickin' minute here.  What did I just do?  Oh help.

Vivian catching on quicker than me.

I started over several several times yesterday and last night, too, when I finally started to see progress.

And this morning I was back at it again, REALLY getting it. 

I don't know how to fix it when I mess up, but I am chugging right along anyway ... and loving it!


Emily said...

wow! Kara and I did that one Christmas...except Grandma taught us, not a class...it was fun, but soooooooooo frustrating when I messed up and had to redo all the hard work I'd just done. Crocheting I found was more Up my alley..and then it turned out sewing was eve more up my alley :) GOod luck!

Cindy said...

Look at you go!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Fun! I've been working on a sewing project the past few months... maybe I'll have to post some photos soon.

Kimberly said...

Yes, Elizabeth! Do!