Sep 22, 2011

Tank You, God

Noah, in the car, after school, out of nowhere, today as we made our way to go pick up Anna.

"Mommy, when I go heaven, I gonna tell God, 'Tank you for Jesus dyin' on da cross for my sins.  Tank you for dat.' Dat what I should say?  Tank you?"

And my word, the conversation we had that followed!  About how good God is, about thanking him now AND in heaven, about dying, about how old you are when you die, about making a decision to believe and to obey Jesus, about praying about it with his Daddy tonight, about heaven, about bodies and spirits, about family, about his upset that Chewie will probably be the first to die.

I stood in the shower tonight and praised the Lord that we have this boy and that he has grown up in the knowledge of God a little more every day.  I asked the Lord to keep his heart.  And I thanked the Lord.  Oh, I thank him. These are the sorts of things we have prayed about for Noah from before he was ever ours.  It is such a blessing to get to see the prayers being answered in their time, a little at a time.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Yes, thank You, Lord, for this precious boy and his precious mommy and daddy who love You and are exemplifying this love daily to their precious, precious children.

Emily said...

OH my goodness! Did he end up pryaing with Josh about believing Jesus? Didn't it just give you chills to hear your sweet baby talk about those things? I just got chills too. Brooklyn asks us nearly every night at dinner who will be going to heaven with her when we die...can I tell her Noah will be? :)
CHills....I've got 'em! :) Yay! Noah!

Emily said...

And I remember thinking 5 was just too young an age to really accept Jesus as Lord... and know what it meant....but after listening to Brooklyn talk about what it is she understands about God and the cross and heaven, and Satan, etc....I just can't say it can't happen at 5 afterall. She's got a lot of other questions, and she can't understand the complicated stuff, but Jesus said let the little children come to me....and so it's her childlike faith right now that made the decision....and we get to help grow and mature them in the Christian faith from here on.
*i'm excited* :)

Kimberly said...

Welllll, it's sort of sticky subject to nail down - the whole salvation prayer concept and little kids.

Noah believes, yes, and is choosing to obey, yes. But, no, Josh didn't go the whole "it's official" salvation prayer route. We do feel like that's something we'll see to and let Noah take ownership of at a more mature age.

But the talks and questions and prayers he initiates do seem to suggest he is growing in the Lord and that his heart is going to be receptive to God's call one day, so we're so happy with that! :)

Emily said...

Well he's on the right path anyway :) I'm always surprised at the things Brooklyn understands...and I'm sure Noah gets it too.

We're sort of gong along those same lines of "let her take ownership of it herself" later too, as far as baptism goes, but as far as believing Jesus died on the cross for our sins, what are sins, how to forgive, why Jesus had to die for us to be saved, why we need to tell others about Jesus, etc, she gets it.

Natalie will be the harder one to know if she "gets it" or not, because lately she's been reciting everything Brooklyn tells her....and is firm about it too. lol. I'm positive she doesn't understand anything more than we were created by God and God created everything....she doesn't even sit still long enough to read a bible story and answer questions afterward about what we just read...that girl. :)

Kimberly said...


Elizabeth Bradley said...

We've been out of town for the past 4 days, but when I read this on my phone it made me smile and smile... and I turned right around and read it to the friend I was with. Thank you God for childlike faith... "tank you God" indeed.