Jul 12, 2010

Flashbacks of our Fourth

We are home alone again. Josh is back to work again. The washing machine is seriously churning away again. And all is quiet again. Now I can get back to some blogging again.

We spent the Fourth of July in Huntsville visiting with a number of people from my side of the family. We sat. We ate. We laughed. We melted in the heat. We played with cousins. We spent a couple nights flying high at the Kiddie Carnival. We also spent a couple nights taking in fireworks as well. There was pool playing and slip-n-sliding going on big time. We even fed some ducks at the park. There was not much sleep happening, but there were smiles and silliness and special moments to excuse the lack of routine. There's really just no other way to do family and holidays anyway, is there?

I took a million pictures with my new camera (a Nikon Coolpix P100 - love it!) and was able to whittle this post down to 20 of just the basics from that weekend. That, in itself, is a big deal. Even bigger, is the fact that I managed to make it into a couple. :)


Laura Koslowsky said...

Glad you're back. Missed your updates :) I know, that coming from the person who hasn't updated her blog in months. But, we did move to a new house in that time...still getting settled. I do hope to get back to it soon. I actually think regularly about things I should post, but just don't get around to it. Love the pics you posted! I especially love the serious one of Anna in the middle. What a sweetheart! Anything new on the adoption front? We've had 2 post placement visits. Just one more to go and then we can finalize in court. Hooray! Samuel is such an affectionate little sweetheart. He loves to give hugs, especially to his friends. He just started walking and has found a whole new freedom.

Kimberly said...

I've been wondering what you guys were up to lately! So glad it's nothing overwhelming with Samuel. Moving is certainly a consuming event - but what fun, too! I love a good move. :) Post pics when you can.

Hearing you mention post-placement visits takes me back 4 years when we were just moved in in AL and having our 3 visits with a brand new agency. Be sure to videotape your finalization hearing (we did ours via conference call actually). That is something that did not cross my mind and I so wish I had! Thankfully, I can still see it so vividly in my mind's eye.

Will post soon about where we are with the adoption. But trust me, there's not much new to say. :(

Laura Koslowsky said...

Thanks for the suggestion to videotape our finalization hearing. I hadn't even thought of that!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I agree with Laura... that picture of Anna is precious. Just precious.

Kimberly said...

Thanks! I dig that shot of Anna, too. I like the lighting mostly and her flippy hair. In fact I took a sequence of pictures that included that one.