Jul 30, 2010

Betime Fugitive

Anna has seamlessly taken to sleeping in her big girl bed. It's a good thing, too, because we sold her crib the day we took it apart. No looking back.

Except several times now over the last few days when I am looking back ... longingly ... at the bars which kept her in place. She just keeps climbing out of the bed! And stealthily opening her door, and pulling down the gate, and coming down the stairs. Oh my.

Noah never did that. That boy stayed in his bed like it was a crib. And you may remember my blogging about how we had to coax, beg, teach, and bribe him to finally start getting out of bed on his own instead of calling us to come get him. He was 3 years old at that point.

So, yes. Anna climbing out of her bed early during nap, right away after bedtime, and before the sun is up is a new experience. I think the escape attempts numbered 7 just yesterday alone. That video monitor we have is paying off in a big way right now, and I loved that thing before this happened. We've had it since Noah turned 1, and it's been in her room for awhile now. But now, NOW, it is even more handy. I am sure she wonders how in the heck I know she is out of bed before her feet even hit the floor.

Anyway, I ordered this little device called My Tot Clock and I am praying that she catches on quick. Wish us luck. I don't want to have to lock her in her room to keep her safe inside, but I am prepared to do it if I have to. Sometimes a mommy has got to be ruthless. Here's the little fugitive's mug shot. If you see her taking off down the highway late at night you'll know what's up. Anna.


Laura Koslowsky said...

Oh boy, that little girl keeps you busy! David and Leah were both like you describe with Noah. They never even attempted to climb out of the "big bed". I have a feeling that Samuel will be a lot like Anna. I am planning on keeping him put for as long as possible.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Ha! I love your "no looking back" mentality and find it so like you that you would have sold the crib the day you took it down. :)

Emily said...

Oh my word, Kimberly, that picture you took of her is BEAUTIFUL! You could totally frame that one....Pretty little girl! Good colors for her...and her hair is turning into such a pretty color! Love it!