Jul 15, 2010

This Week's Proud Moments

Noah is proud of: learning to write his name. He has the O and H down great. Nevermind that they are in the wrong order.

Anna is proud of: Basically potty training herself one day at a time. Nevermind that sometimes she goes through the whole routine of taking off her pants, her diaper, backing onto the potty, grabbing a book to read, and then only tooting. That's it. Show's over. Warrants a heartfelt giggle from me every time.

I am proud of: Revisiting my New Year's goals and recommitting to the one about exercise and diet. This week I have exercised every day. I am also trying again to be very intentional about what I eat. Watching portion size and eating slower. And guzzling a glass of water before every meal.

Josh is proud of: After waking up late for work Tuesday morning, showering, shaving, dressing, packing, and getting out the door in 12 minutes! He is also proud of locking in a great new interest rate for our mortgage - 4.5%. I'm pretty proud of his watchdog skills on that one, too.


Amy Faye Brown said...

i'm with you on the diet and exercise issue. This is the biggest I have ever been even including when I was pregnant with Beka. Not a good thing or a good feeling. I used to be an exercise fanatic. Where did that "me" go? Oh, well. Not willing to give up quite yet.

Memaw said...

Proud of you for your recommitment.
I have set up the TV you gave me in the living room and have my
exercise Dvds and weights all there just waiting for me. I started yesterday and was trying to talk myself into getting on it
today. Reading your blog will help
to motivate me. Thanks for the TV.

Kimberly said...

So glad you found a good spot for it! I bet it goes great with the rest of the silver decor in that room.