Jul 23, 2010

Record of Wrongs

I know love does not keep a record of wrongs. I know that.
But when love is a blogging mommy, it does. Sometimes, it just does. (but even then, only after it's had a chance to calm down and see the humor in it all)

I found these little tidbits in the cheese box today. Either I have a very large rat to contend with or my first born baby has done some more sneaking around and then concealing the truth.

My prayers that he be found out when he is guilty have been answered in quick succession this week since Josh has been out of town. It's just me and Noah (and Anna, of course) and all his misbehaving from sun up to sun down and it's plain old wearing me out. His rap sheet from just the last 4 days includes:
  • screaming outbursts
  • meltdowns
  • lying
  • talking back
  • wildly resisting his spankings
  • incessant harassment of Anna
  • sneaking out of his room during his rest time
  • hiding in my bed after he disobeyed during his rest time
  • disobedience x 1000
  • peeing on his bedroom floor
  • peeing and pooping in his pants
  • peeing in the trash can instead of the toilet
  • repeatedly sneaking food without asking
  • pouring his milk in his lunch and doing it AGAIN at dinner
  • locking me out of the house and then disappearing upstairs
  • mumbling "Mommy's mean!" on his way to time out or his room
This is all so not Noah. I can't tell if it's him going stir crazy from the heat, his missing his daddy while he's out of town, the lack of routine during the summer months, or his crashing down now that all the company and fun have left the building. He's a pitiful thing right now. Which makes me pitiful, too. I have had some less-than-stellar parenting moments in response to all of this where I have let my emotions get the better of me, leaving Noah with the worst of me. We've both had a chance to calm down and regroup with Josh coming home for a night last night and playing hard with him all morning before he left for another trip. Noah and I have prayed together and communicated again what we can expect from each other for various situations. And it's been a much better day as a result. But still, I think we will BOTH be feeling even better when he starts school in a few weeks. The space and the steady, 5 half-day a week routine will be very balancing for us all.

How interesting - I found this very similar post from around the same time last year. Must be a we're dying-to-get-back-to-school fever or something.


Laura Koslowsky said...

Been there! Today is day one of Kevin's 9 day trip to Mexico. Samuel has a fever and is miserable...hoping it doesn't sweep through the whole bunch of us. Life is hard when the hubby is away. Puts us all off balance. Could also be the unstructured summer months thing for Noah. Every summer David struggles with emotional outbursts. Praying for you.

Kimberly said...

9 days - Ugh! I was just thinking I don't know how my mom did it when my dad used to go TDY for 3 months at a time, if not more.

I am so curious to hear more about Samuel's adjustment so far since settling in. It's been a good while now. I wonder if he seems to know he is there to stay. Get on it, girl. Post! :)

I think it must be summer syndrome. I just checked my blog posts for this time last year and I posted a WPTM one talking about the bummer it was when Noah was misbehaving. Must have been a week like we have just had.

Somehow, it always feels a bit better to hear another mom say she has been there, too. Thanks for that!

Amy Faye Brown said...

oh, this one had me laughing out loud and thinking, should I tell her now that sometimes it gets worse?!

Kimberly said...

Do you hear that? The highly amused "Bwaa Haa Haa Haa Haaa!" of another veteran mom at my frazzled expense. :)

Emily said...

Stay. Busy. When. Husband. Leaves.

That's my tactic, and I rarely have issues with even Natalie! They're so tired they sleep really well and your days pass really quickly.

Kimberly said...

Surprising enough, I chose this week to try not taking the sleeping pills again. It worked well. I went 5 nights without them and was able to sleep every night (although much later to bed each night)...but you may be on to something. Noah just wore me flat out with his shenanigans.

The Robinsons said...

What a horrible week!! I think we will be facing the same issues since Jeremy travels and Ansley REALLY misses her Daddy already when he is away. Here's to things getting better--this too shall pass!