Jul 17, 2010

On Noah's Mind

What's on Noah's mind lately?
Two Words: Video Games.

Video Games, Video Games, Video Games. He is flat-out desperate on a daily basis for his precious minutes of game play, especially since we got a new game in the mail this week. If he's not asking me every 10 minutes how much longer til he can play video games again, he is telling me which game he will play when the time comes, which character he will be, how he will beat Daddy when he gets home, and how he will be obedient when his time is over. It's just all he can think about.

An example:

After a session of Candyland, Noah was fit to be tied that I had beaten him in a last minute stroke of luck. I waxed philosophical and said something about "you just never know - it's not over til it's over." Then I said something about how "sometimes you win and sometimes you lose - that's part of the fun!" He said with mock pout on his face, "Dat NOT part of the fun, Mom." I laughed aloud and asked, "What's the fun part then?" Shyster grin emerging on his falsely innocent face, he said, "Playing video games?!"

Uh, no. Nice try though.

Another day this week, video games got taken away as punishment for something disobedient he had done. As I went about my business (catching up on House Hunters on the DVR, of course), he climbs up next to me real close. I love a good Noah snuggle so I grabbed him and hugged him. Then he laid it on real thick. He said, "I still, still, still wuv you. Much." There followed a heartfelt pause where he looked me lovingly in the eyes, stroked my cheek, breathed sweetly and quietly only inches from my face. Then he laid it all out there. "I play video games now?!"

Um, no again.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Jacob is the same way, not about video games but he can sweetly lay it on thick to get his way. Jacob will start off by telling me I am his best friend and how much fun I am and then throw out the request. LOL I can just picture Noah now. Glad you're not falling for it. Those boys...gotta love how fast they learn to woooo a woman. I think they are in the early stages of cheesey pick up lines. LOL

Kimberly said...

Ha! You know it! That is EXACTLY what is going on - early stages of pick-up lines. Good call, Shannon. Huh-larious.