Jul 28, 2010

Quoting Noah

Like most preschoolers, Noah talks and talks and talks. And if he's not talking, he's whispering, singing, shouting, or making strange noises. So there is just no shortage of funny things that get said in our house in a day. Some of my favorites quotes from Noah this month:
  • Holding up several colorful plastic coins, he said, "Look what you got - You got 5 monies! You can buy a pirate ship!"
  • While Josh was gone on one of his longer trips this month, he said, "I miss Daddy all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all day."
  • I walked in the playroom and gasped in surprise and relief that I caught this before someone got hurt. Noah had wrapped the beading string around Anna's neck several times and, leading her around, was saying, "C'mon, puppy. Let's go someplace else."
  • As he watched me wash, slice, salt, pepper, and place cucumbers on a plate for him, he admiringly said, "You kind of wike a chef, Mom." Apparently, it doesn't take much.
  • We were discussing what sort of dog we could get one day and were throwing around ideas for names. Noah didn't care for anything Josh and I suggested. No. He piped in, " I fink we should call him Papa John." (this was funny b/c that's what he calls Josh's dad)
  • Preschool starts in a couple weeks now. Last week we bought the uniform he has to wear (choke, gag) on chapel day. The whole way there Noah kept asking if we were almost there yet to buy his unicorn.
  • We were plotting what we might get Josh for his birthday.
Me: What should we get Daddy for his birthday?
Noah: A BuzzBob (Spongebob) and a Spiderman cake and I can eat the cake!
Me: Those are things you would really like, but this is Daddy's birthday. What is something that Daddy would really like?
Noah: Ummmm ... Me!
  • As Josh put Noah to bed one night, he pouted, "My froat hurts and my feewings (feelings) hurt." When Josh asked why, he answered, "I ate bird poop in the back yard." Josh and I are still scratching our heads about that one.
  • While I cut open a grapefruit, Noah asked me if it was a dead tomato. After I said no, he asked if it was an orange. I said no, but it is closer to an orange than a tomato. Then he said, "It has a belly button!"
  • As we looked at some of Anna's baby pictures, Noah got excited and said, "Let's get a new baby wike dat!" Um, no.
  • Noah and I want a poodle. But I must admit, my vote is for a poodle because the way Noah says it is so precious and hilarious. He can't pronounce his l's that well, so it comes out like this: I want a pooder!
  • Overhearing a song I was listening to, Noah asked who was that girl singing. When I answered "Ashlee Simpson," he replied, "I not know dat wady (lady). I not see her in a wong (long) time."
  • Overhearing another song I was listening to, he asked, "Dat guy named Eric?" I said I didn't actually know what that guy's name was. He said, "I fink he goes to the bad guy store." (short pause) "Where is dat store?" I said I didn't know. He said, "I fink it's far, far away."Sounds like a good place for that sort of store to be, I say.
  • Noah and I bought his 8th fish this weekend and apparently he bonded with this one on the way home because it is the first one he has bothered to actually name. It's an algae eater. I heard Noah ask where his fish is and I thought I heard him call it Alfie in an effort to say "algae". He said, "No. I call him Spiderman."
(footnote - the boy has never seen an episode of Spiderman, or Spongebob for that matter, and yet these are the names he likes to use and ask for - I know not why- it just cracks me up how he has fixated on them)

Song Lyrics Noah likes to improvise on...
  • He's got the whole world in His ear, He's got the whole wide world In His ear...
  • Up above the world so high, Like a belly button in the sky...
  • If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your Anna...

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Not sure what's funnier... Noah's response to Anna's baby pictures or your response to him. ;)