Jul 13, 2010

When Browns Come to Town

This past week, we had Josh's parents in town along with two of our nieces, Holly and Hannah. They are a Florida bunch, so they are accustomed to the heat. But the Nashville weather we suffered while they were here really took them by surprise. It was hot, hot, hot, and dry, dry, dry. Nevertheless, we packed our agenda full of good stuff and just thoroughly enjoyed our visit with the Browns from outta town.

We enjoyed a morning at Monkey Joe's (sadly I forgot my camera that day). We went to a couple matinee movies and worked our way through all the Harry Potter movies each night. We went to the lake. The kids played in the pool and sprinklers daily. Josh took his parents to an Amish market he recently discovered on his travels. There were a number of short shopping trips. We also hit the zoo - or did it hit us - we don't remember - we were wiped out by the heat! The only other big hitter of their week with us, for me, was watching in awe how many cokes my nieces could down in a day and how much popcorn was consumed by all. No family get together is complete without a heavy dose of coke and a truck load of popcorn, I say! And ice cream. Ice cream is a must, too. :)

Without question, though, the best part of the week was Noah's delight at being with his cousins day in and day out. Holly and Hannah were good company and the boy is counting down til he sees them again at Christmas.


Emily said...

Those were fun pictures! I prefer them size where I can actually see them, but what I DID see was that Josh needs some bigger sunglasses. We are not in the early to late 90's anymore. lol. Just messin' around :) I liked Noah's hat at the zoo btw.

Unknown said...

Love the photos. I especially like the ones of Anna sprawled out in the lake and then crammed into that little plastic box. So funny! Glad you had fun with family.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Thankful that y'all had a good time together.

Kimberly said...

Sorry, Emily - pics gotta go small and in chunks when I am playing catch up. Besides, I'd say you can see my pics better than I can see yours...oh, that's right, b/c you have NONE up on your blog. Ha!

I know, Shannon. The plastic box kills me. Give her an entire lake, she'll insist on 1 cubic foot of space instead.

Y'all are next, Amy. Be thinking about the fall. :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your family time... especially Noah. Cousins are the best! And Anna and her buckets... seriously cute.

Memaw said...

Thanks again for the fun time and your patience with all of us. You deserve a "prize" for giving up your bedroom to the in-laws. I, of course, just enjoyed watching four of the grandchildren interacting. These are times the
girls will always remember and Noah and Anna will always have lots of pictures thanks to your photography skills.