Jun 30, 2010

Before I Forget

Noah, I love the way you make up songs about things in your day or conversations we have. I love how you answer my silly songs with your own silly songs. I love how you respond to music by dancing like crazy all over the room and bopping your head sideways. Even though I sometimes tell you you talk too much, I really love that you talk too much. I also love how I can tell you have been somewhere by the bite marks I find on the toys, clothes, or books. Your nibbling has gone wild. What WILL we do about that? Are you nervous?

Anna, I love how I come upon random things in twos misplaced all around the house - a sure sign that you were there - a thing for each hand that you carried around until you got distracted by something else. I also love how you dip green beans in ketchup. I love how your hair curves around the back of your head and neck like a hobbit's...except for that unpredictable flippy piece on the side. What is that about, anyway? And weirdly, I love how determined you are to NOT smile for my camera, even when I bribe you with chocolate. Will you never lighten up? Why do you hate taking pictures?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Hi! Was thinking of you the past few days and just thought I should let you know that. It makes me smile to see the things you don't want to forget. :)