Jun 11, 2010

Noah's Recipe for Growth

Noah started his Lil' Dragons Karate class this week. And Josh and I were suckers for the sight of him in his uniform among the other kids, making those martial art moves, practicing strength, obedience, agility, speed, focus, and respect. Keepin' up with the big kids from his row with the little guys in the back. (and listening better than the big kids, too, for that matter!)

But mostly, we were suckers for how dang cute he was, how much he stood out from the others. Littlest one in the group, poor thing. Smaller than the rest of the 4 year olds ... even the girls ... by a whole head. I mean, if it's possible, he looks smaller than normal in that setting. But oh my gosh, freakin' adorable. I could just swallow him whole.

But while his shortness is cute and all, it still makes me worry a little about this growth and development. So I am doing what little things I can to help his growth - seeing to it he drinks more milk, takes vitamins, gets good rest, eats vegetables, runs, and plays. Noah gets an earful of why these things are good for him, too. Especially about the milk and veggies and fruit.

This morning he said this to me, "Wook, Mommy! My milk almost gone! Milk helps me grow, wight? And carrots, and broccoli, and video games, and cantawoupe, too."


Emily said...

Well SOMEone's got to be the smallest kid in the class...and boys are supposed to be smaller than girls at this age anyway, right? I wouldn't worry too much...but yes it's always good to get him to eat some good ole veggies....though I totally understand the trouble it's worth...Brooklyn fights us over dinner...even on days where her last meal was a lunch at noon!! Eat, child. Eat!!!

Kimberly said...

"Someone's got to be the smallest kid in the class," said the momma of a very tall 4 year old. ha!

Emily said...

LOL...true...but only comparitively speaking b/t cousins...she's only taller than twins in her class at school, just happened to be one of the tallest in a tiny group of ballerinas :)

Unknown said...

I can relate. Jacob is only 40.5inches and weighs 36 lbs. with clothes on. The ped isn't concerned though. He's also stubborn at the dinner table too.

And where is a photo of the martial art cutie that you speak of. ;-) We've considered putting Jacob in martial arts but haven't acted on it.

Kimberly said...

Good question, Shannon! We don't have the nerve yet to snap a picture in that setting. No other parents are doing it and we just can't go and be THOSE parents. Ha!

Josh did get some good video footage. I'm sure we'll work up the nerve for a picture before summer's over. :)