Jun 22, 2010

On a Hot, Hot Day

It's freaking hot around our neck of the woods. 99 degrees hot.

We spent a lot of time in the water outside today. Pool, baby pool, hose, water table, water guns. Handfuls of spit, if you're Anna. I spent a lot of time huddled under the umbrella sweating to death. And worrying that my kids were getting burnt.

I mercilessly sprayed my family with the hose. Noah may have cried. But I let him get me back a number of times so it's all good.

Our back porch is draped with wet clothes and towels for the third time today. It's so hot, everything air dries that fast. Enough to dry and wear them again three times!

Anna is well practiced at stripping off her diaper, but now she does it in less than 4 seconds flat if we so much as mention getting in the pool, which we did, like I said, 3 times.

After a shower and some time on the couch, my feet are still stinging from walking on the hot concrete. Noah's feet smell like chlorine.

It's so hot, we don't even want food. So tonight's dinner entree (spaghetti pie) just got switched out for watermelon.

Drippy, delicious, no cooking required. Perfect for a hot, hot day.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

So yum! I did that myself one night a week or so ago... during the only 4 days this year that the temp. made it into the 80s. :( I wish we could exchange about 15 degrees of heat. Then we'd both be happy!

The title of your post made me thing of the song 5 Green and Speckled Frogs that begins... "On a hot, hot day in July..." :)

Kimberly said...

You're not the first person now that says they ditched a meal for watermelon recently. My parents said they did the same thing. ;) How funny.

Noah has a book titled this way, so that is what I couldn't get out of my head when I typed it out for this post. But no others words would come to mind. It is just. that. hot.

Yeah - I'd trade temps in a heartbeat!

Emily said...

oh my word, that picture of Anna eating the water melon....PRECIOUS!!!!!!! and so stinking cute! Can't WAIT to see you guys this next weekend!

Kimberly said...

Sadly, that spread eagle diaper view could not be avoided, though I tried.