Jun 19, 2010

Gross "Anna"tomy

Anna is testing the waters of potty training lately which means she spends a little more time without any pants on. So I knew the anatomy question was coming. Noah was bound to take note. I'm actually surprised he hasn't mentioned it before now, to be honest.

This morning, when Anna stood after another potty session, Noah, concerned at what he finally took note of, grabbed her shirt, lifted it up, pointed, and exclaimed, "Daddy! Anna no pee-pee on there!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally catching up on a few posts...waaaaay behind! Speaking of behinds : ) and "fronts", I love Noah's comment about Anna. When Kara came along and he saw Bobby bathing her, he laughed his deep 4 yr old chuckle and said "she ain't got no tee-tee!". Oh, the honesty of sweet 4 yr olds boys. : )