Jun 10, 2010

Treasuring Toddlerhood

I do a lot of grinning at the montage of moments that is a day in our life with you, Anna, at 20 months old. Your toddler days are a real treat. I did a "Treasuring Toddlerhood" post for Noah way back at the beginning of my blog (while I was pregnant with you actually) and now here you are a toddler yourself. Can it be? Are you nearing 2 already? How can I adore someone so hard? How can even your bad traits steal my heart? How is it I never tire of just staring at your pretty little head and body while you sit there or go about your day? Here are some memories I'll always treasure about your early toddler days, Annabelle.
  • You are quickly getting a grasp of the way things should be done. And you are tenacious about that grasp; I wonder if that makes you a bit of a type A personality? Some examples of how you are a miniature control freak, wanting things just the way they should be: If I head for the door without my shoes on, you panic and point it out to me. If Max gets muddy on an episode of Max and Ruby, you get antsy and moan and cry out. If I am nearby, you pat the couch to get me to sit next to you. If you can't get your shoes off on your own, you work your cry up into a growly scream - a roar, I guess you could call it. If you have a fry, there must be dip on the way or it just will not do for you. If your sippy cup empties, you find it impossible to leave it be; to you it is critical that we jump to fill it or face your wrath. If you are playing outside, you get anxious if you don't have a hat. If a hose is on, you insist on playing in the water. If I leave out a snack for you to graze on, you end up keeping it in your own play skillet. If a seat has a buckle, then by golly, we better buckle it for you. And lately, if we are using the bathroom, you think we owe you a potty session of your own. You get antsy if sand sticks to your feet, or if you don't get dressed as soon as Noah does. When you can't manipulate your fingers and your toys/stickers you fly into a tot-sized rage. Sometimes just because Noah won't hand over whatever it is you suddenly want. You are concerned if we don't conduct the elements of Noah's quiet time in order. You've gotten upset because we've left a lamp on as we leave the house. You put bracelets on your feet and just get downright pissed when you can't get them off. Same goes for your tu-tu. And your shoes, but I already said that.
  • For some strange reason, you stand with your hand down the back of your pants but still outside of your diaper.
  • You still like to finger paint with your spit.
  • You've discovered the mirror on the wall in the living room so now I have to keep on you to stop climbing up on the ottoman to look at yourself, especially if Noah tells you you look funny or your hair is messy.
  • Your most recent favorite book is Llama, Llama, Red Pajama.
  • You still jump to it if I send you to time out, but how long you stay there and what you do there is still a bit of a loose interpretation for you.
  • I have no idea why, but you always, always start blowing raspberries when we sing in your presence.
  • You show a very selfish side by claiming what you want with "Mine!" And you out and out disobey when I insist you share. This is new for me to address because Noah never had that impulse. To this day, he does not have that impulse...which makes you a lucky girl, albeit selfish.
  • You stare like a zombie at your favorite shows - Curious George and Max and Ruby. Between you and me I adore that you adore Max and Ruby. I was sad when Noah lost interest in the show.
  • We have not started real potty training just yet, but it is certainly on the radar. Right now we just flirt with the concept. We ask if you want to go pee pee on the potty and you always agree. You don't sit long, and you don't do anything. But you are interested and cooperative, so we'll go with it. You keep stripping your pants and diaper off at random times in the day, so I now have pull-ups on the shopping list and we'll see where that takes us.
  • You love foods that require dips, but without fail, you ditch the food and just use your finger, which means you are eating plain ketchup, sour cream, syrup, barbecue sauce.
  • You don't take a bite of anything we offer you without a tester nibble first. If food is not the texture you anticipated you let it fall out of your mouth no matter how much I protest or demand that you don't.
  • You want your back tickled, but you insist I do it under your shirt.
  • You cock your head forward and frown and furl your eyebrows like a professional. Like your mommy. When put on the spot, you stand and look down and get wide eyes and a pouty mouth. Noah does a real good "Anna" imitation. It's pretty hilarious how much attention to detail he has when he does it.
  • You are also becoming a bit of a pen and paper fiend like your mommy. You have a spiral notebook that you are quite attached to. You sprawl on your belly and just go at it. You give it such focused attention. Almost all the pages are drawn on. You even stick your crayons in the binding just like they do on Blue's Clues. Maybe that is where you got the idea to begin with.
  • You totally dig water play. If it's got water, it's got you! Sprinklers, fountains, pools, hoses, water tables, puddles, rain, sinks. You are every facet of "water baby".
  • These days you are a very capable monkey. I can't keep you from climbing on the oven, bar-height chairs, and the railing of the stairs.
  • You climb up the swing set and slide down reliably and capably enough now that I don't feel the need to stand right beside you. Ahhhh, freedom ... for us both!
  • You are also obsessed with the contents of my nightstand so we have to keep a close eye on you if you are ever in our room. You beeline for it and just stand and stare. And somehow, when we aren't looking, you end up rearranging things.
  • You've recently fallen in love with yourself - more specifically, watching yourself on home videos.
  • And when you get excited while waiting for something you lean forward and over and then try to jump up, but it only comes across looking like an awkward stilted bop up and down. Speaking of bopping, you still never dance. You don't notice music and rhythm in that way at all, not even when we prompt you.
Some of my favorite words you are attempting lately:
Jew - George (as in Curious George)
Doh - Dora
Maaa, Wubby - Max, Ruby
Whoa whoa - pillow
Woo - room
Bot - bite
JeeJee - stinky
Bahboo - buckle
Daw- draw
Hah - hat
Shuh Shuh - marshmallow
Shee Shee - princess
Ow?!! - Help!
Jawty - dirty (as in dirty diaper)
Nuh - Anna

I just can't believe how much you have changed in a year's time.

You are just beautiful and precious and lovable, Anna. I am so lucky to call you mine.


Emily said...

haha!! She is turning into quite a little personality isn't she? I'm seeing many similarities between her and Natalie, but for the first time since you've been doing her lists...I've noticed a significant amoutn of things that are very different! Serious little girl ... I can't wait to see you guys and see if the younger babies play more with each other this time around. Sweet girls

Unknown said...

What a sweetie she is! I love seeing personalities unfold in children that young. I'm always looking for hints of what Ava is going to be like as she's older but I'm also not rushing it and just trying to enjoy my baby as a baby. They grow up way too fast, huh?