Jun 8, 2010

Quote: Waiting

This quote comes from Unafraid, speaks of Mary who was struggling with the wait for her son, Jesus, to claim his kingdom. And even when he did it, it wasn't as she had expected it would be. For me, this quote comes as an encouragement to submit to the Lord while we wait through this adoption. And not to set myself up for disappointment when the end does not look like I think it will. I'm pretty sure my expectations are too small and too self-centered anyway. So I choose to lay them down and just obey today. And today. And today.
"Waiting was the hardest thing to do ... Each day was a refining fire. Each day brought the question, Will you obey no matter the cost?
'Today, I say yes.'
'Today I say yes. And today, and today, and today, until there are no more todays left.' "


Unknown said...

Praying for you as you wait and wait. My brother and his wife have finally reached the point to be able to adopt their 3 foster girls...after over 3 years of court! It's incomprehensible how they go at a snail's pace for something that is so good for a child.

Kimberly said...

Speaking of those girls - it's about time I saw a picture of them I think! Email me if you have one. I'd love to put a face to your brother's family.