Jun 14, 2010

It's a Sickness, Really

In the spirit of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie ...

If you send a mommy to the kitchen to wash her hands
she'll notice the dishwasher needs to be emptied.

When she starts putting those dishes away
she'll notice chicken needs to be set out for dinner.

After she gets the chicken out
she'll be unable to stop herself from reorganizing the freezer.

When she turns around
she'll remember she didn't finish emptying the dishwasher.

As she glances down from the cabinet where the bowls go
she'll start assembling sippy cup parts that dried overnight.

When she sets a completed cup down
she'll notice some crumbs on the counter.

After she's wiped ALL the counters
she'll see the sink and remember she never washed her hands.

While she dries her hands
she'll hear a strange sound coming from the fridge.

After hunting the sound down to a bird in the garage
she'll laugh at her distractedness and start making a list about it.

When she wraps that list up
she'll look down and see the dishwasher still needs emptying.

After she's emptied and reloaded the dishwasher
she'll want to wash her hands again.


Heather said...

Love it!!! So true!!

Unknown said...

Amen to that! And thanks for reminding be to take out some chicken for dinner;-)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I'm lazy... and read your posts in my inbox... and then forget to come here and comment. This one just made me laugh. And though my steps to the crazy dance are slightly different because I don't have kiddos, I can nonetheless relate to the insanity. :)