Jun 25, 2010

(stare) Down in Flames

I can't remember what it was he did this morning that warranted the stare down that I gave him. And I mean stare. down. Hands on hips, head cocked to the left, lips pursed, face frozen in pensive thought so he could soak in the seriousness of his infraction while I pretended to know what I was going to say next. So it really broke my concentration when he said the following:

"Know what I fink, Mommy? I fink you wook wike Peter Pan."

And he proceeded to stand with his hands on his hips; at which point I lost all stare down composure.


Emily said...

hahahahaah!!!! That was hilarious...I was even picturing you standing like that all ready to come up with a threat of punishment or what not....but clearly, Noah has seen too many of those, or you just really aren't that scary :) That was a fun little read!

Kimberly said...

He really hasn't seen that many of those...because he is changing so quickly these last few months and saying so many new things and asking so many new things and trying so many new things....I find I have to pause before I can process how to handle something.

So when he so lightheartedly and honestly played the Peter Pan card (you know, like an Elevator Music while you wait thing) it just threw me off. Such happy trust laid at my feet. How could I be mad anymore?

You wouldn't believe the things he says and questions and points out lately. I put one embarrassing one on Mom's blog today.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Ha! What a silly boy you have. Not sure I would or could have held my composure after that one either. :)