Mar 9, 2010

Trappings of Noah

Noah was planning what to get me for my birthday. Being as sly as a preschooler can be, he came right out and asked me if I liked Dora. And when the question of cake came up, he asked me if I liked Spiderman.

When Noah did give me a birthday card today (a Tigger and Pooh card in the end), he pointed out the big lumpy circle at the bottom (his signature) and explained that it was a mountain. This left me confused, but before I could ask about it, he had instructed me to put the card back in its box (the envelope he was holding open for me) and save it for Christmas. And then he hounded me the rest of the evening until he got to eat my cupcake. No matter. I had a cupcake upgrade anyway - a little mini-cheesecake, compliments of Josh's wise planning. Before Noah and I dug into our respective cup/cheesecakes, Noah wanted me to get a fire (a.k.a. candle) for the cake. We were plum OUT of candles though, so I just pretended while they sang Happy Birthday. Noah was satisfied with that. I think Noah thinks my birthday is for him. :)

Today while Anna was at school and I was working at the consignment sale, Josh stayed home with a sick Noah. And along the way, Josh got told. By Noah. It seems Noah was taking awhile in the bathroom so Josh kept calling to see if he was still OK. After the second or third time Josh inquired after him, he heard Noah exhale loudly (a huff, if you will) and exclaim in frustration, "I ahweddy tell you two times!" Then he followed up with an exasperated complaint, "Daddy, you no obey!" Josh said he just stood dumbfounded outside the door.

When Josh was telling Noah about me leaving for the day to work, Noah laughed, genuinely amused, and said, "Dat so siwwy (silly)! Mommy no go work! Ownwy Daddy go work!"

Josh held Noah above his head to fly him around in his new shiny blue cape. Noah said he wanted to fly to heaven.


Emily said...

Ok, THAT JUST MADE MY DAY!!! hahaha!! What a funny funny funny little boy he is!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh the mind of a preschooler. So funny!

I'm confused... I thought your birthday was today? Was it yesterday?
Either way... "Happy Birthday!"

And working at the consignment sale... how's it going? What's the best thing about it? Do you work there often?

Kimberly said...

No, you're right, Elizabeth - my birthday is today (the 10th). Josh is going out of town today, so they gave me my goodies yesterday. And my birthday present concept as well. I say "concept" because I have to/want to pick it out myself. I am getting a new lovely lamp for the living room. And the shopping part will be half the fun!

2 days of working at the sale (children's consignment) kicked my butt...I am still hobbling around and sore in the feet and legs and arms. The best thing about it is getting to be a part of something big going on (outside of my home) and getting to use my organizational skills and efficiency in a big productive way. And getting credit for it as well. It's nice to be appreciated. ;) You know, cuz Noah doesn't even believe in a world where Mommy does any REAL work. ;)

And this is the first time I've ever worked it....I only ever been a consignor and shopper at these sales, which are semi-annual. But this season I gave the working a go and I like it ...except for the blisters and hurting ankles. ;) I mostly like the perk of getting to shop before all the consignors and the public. Can't wait for Thursday.

Kate LaCasse said...

Happy Birthday! Elliott is such a fan of birthdays. We have to sing the song regularly (always to him, of course). He pretends to have birthday cake and blows out the candles and hands us all pieces. And I think we haven't been to any birthday parties since Dec??

Amy Faye Brown said...

what a precious post! happy late birthday by the way! hope it was great...sounds like it with the cheesecake.