Mar 1, 2010

So Saith Noah

Turns out, he likes my hair after all. He's told me so twice over the past few days. He says, "I wike you hair today, Mommy." And last night (which is a couple days after this original post) he called to me from the table while I was cooking. He said, (and I am still not sure what meaning he had in mind), but he said, "I wike you hair TWO times!" I guess that means he likes it twice as much? I think I'll go with that.

He also thinks his daddy is something special. No surprise there. He is. But in the words of our almost-4-year-old it went like this as they played Xbox together. "You're a cool dude, Daddy."


Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? What did you do to your hair? I'm sure it does look good if Noah says so. : )

Kimberly said...

Yeah, I cut a good bit off last week. Pic is posted too but don't bother backtracking to find it. It didn't go over so well with Noah the first time. ;)

Anonymous said...

I bet it does look good. And isn't it funny how children have opinions at such a young age? : )