Mar 25, 2010


My Sweetie Pie turned 18 months old today. She learned a new word for the occasion and surprised me with it while I was doing laundry: Minnie. She said "Nin-nie" and had she not been holding up a magnet of Minnie Mouse I would not have known what she was saying.

Anna's teacher was glowing, GLOWING, today as she told me about Anna's new boyfriend, Hudson. It got me grinning to hear about how he hugs and kisses her lately and how she lets him. We both remarked how interesting it is that they acknowledge each other this way now after ignoring each other all year. We chalked it up to Spring Fever. Funny note about Hudson - he is the little guy in her class that Josh and I have referred to as Abercrombie all year because he looks so much like a model.

Noah came home with a note from his teacher (whose last day was today and I am wishing that was not so). What she complimented my boy on had me beaming. She bragged on how considerate he is of other people's feelings. I treasure little glimpses of him like these that show how he behaves when I am not around to insist that he behave.

My newest mantra for keeping my blood pressure down in the face of frustrations we encounter in dealing with our case worker is this: Gracious and Faithful. I must be gracious and faithful. Gracious and Faithful. Gracious and Faithful. Can you tell I have had opportunity today to practice reminding myself of these two qualities that I want to be known for? Gracious and Faithful. Gracious and Faithful. Gracious and Faithful. After reading her latest email to us this morning, I had to mumble this to myself over and over and over again. Just like a crazy person. Which I just might be by the end of this process ...

Walmart. Wow, Walmart. Proof that you don't have to be in a car to develop road rage. Shopping and waiting in line at Walmart ALSO gives me opportunity to brush up on my "gracious and faithful."

I am on a fancy new diet these days. You may have heard of it. It's called Starvation!


Emily said...

What's new with your adoption case worker? and dude. Starvation doesn't work. Just saying... :)

Kimberly said...

I can't go into it - I'm being Gracious and Faithful. :)

Unknown said...

Yay Anna and Noah! I would be beaming at that feedback from a teacher. He's so sweet.

Amen to the walmart comment. I hate that place.

Alison said...

I could hear you "saying" this entire post in my head. Made me miss you :(. Hang in there!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a bummer. So sorry to hear that your adoption journey is currently filled with road bumps... though gracious and faithful is a good mantra! And a lesson that most of us need to learn in most areas of our life! :)

As for Wal-mart... I don't miss it. Well, I don't miss the lines and the crowds. I DO miss self-check out and tissue paper / gift wrap options and cheap scrapbook supplies and easy-to-access (read: without the need to visit a pharmacy and speak Czech) medicines and vitamins. Hmm... I suppose I DO miss Wal-mart. ;)

As for starvation... I have to say I agree with Emily. However, a friend of mine has found this ( to be successful. I'm joining her starting April 7th in a competition Czechs vs. Americans. I'm not sure I can do without white flour or white sugar for 30 days, but we'll see.

Sorry I wrote a book. :)

Kimberly said...

See - there are things I could have grabbed for you after all? I could have snagged you some scrapping supplies and tissue paper! And a nice big jar of Flintstone vitamins... :) What fun!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Actually, I stocked up on scrapbooking stuff while we were home so there's nothing I "need" right now... and the same with tissue paper. The convenience of being able to access those things whenever I want is what I miss. :)