Dec 27, 2008

WPTM #6: Magnify

What Parenting Teaches Me #6: Magnify

Confession: I am easily overwhelmed, and sometimes made shamefully grumpy, by the demands of keeping up with a home, husband, toddler and baby. Just two little people besides myself and Josh - and I am spent at the end of the day, tired still at the start of the next.

Question: And so I ask myself what this parenting reality teaches me.

Lesson: All I can come up with (besides the fact that I need to get over myself on a day to day basis) is that God is just so fantastically opposite. My weaknesses, limits, and finiteness only magnify the brilliant bigness of God: his strength, his limitlessness, and his infinite everything (aka omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence). He keeps up with every person and each of the tediously unimportant hairs on their heads, every living thing under the sun and where their next meal comes from, every cosmic thing in the universe and how they beautifully interact, and he doesn't even break a sweat! That's pretty big. Pretty awesome.

Application: Maybe just knowing that is the point. I don't have to get down on myself for periodically getting tired or frustrated or overwhelmed with my life and my two little people. I can just stop and let those things cause me to do what they already do... magnify God. I can let them be a jumping off point for worshipping God for his perfection in each of the specific ways I fall short of perfection.

Oooh weee...I'll just be praising the Lord sun up to sun down, now won't I?