Dec 16, 2008

Precious in my Sight

Anna's List

* When she smells like Josh after he's had her for awhile
* Her little pink tongue poking out of pursed lips
* When she sucks on her fist
* Her bobbling wide-eyed head
* Her big open-mouthed grin and how her eyes smile, too
* Her cooing and squealing
* How she watches Noah and how she watches TV
* When she's sleeping...that's all...just sleeping
* How she turns her head to watch TV while eating
* When she falls asleep in her bouncer while playing by herself
* How pretty she looks when I dress her in something besides a sleeper
* How content she is when she is held on your shoulder or lap
* The smell of her head
* How amused she is when her diaper is being changed
* How she draws strangers in and they cannot help but coo and comment
* The wet spot on my shoulder after she has been there
* The sound of her pack n play music box

Noah's List
* His cereal breath after breakfast
* The fact that he gets close enough to my face to be able to smell his breath
* That he calls cereal "see whoa whoa whoa"
* That he calls a shower "showowow" (he takes them with Josh)
* How he reminds us to pray at meals, to brush his teeth, to give him a showow or bubble bath, to wee byeboh (read the bible to him), to give him his medicine, to turn on the light
* How when I tell him his show isn't on, he hands me the remote and points to the TV because he knows we can find it On Demand anyway
* How thick his hair is and how it curls when it gets longer
* How he wakes up and talks to himself in the morning
* That he plays with my hair when I hold him and he doesn't realize he's doing it
* His green froggy pillow he's had for 2 years now that is still a must for him for all sleeping occasions even though the stuffing is all clumpy and uneven
* The wet spot on my shoulder after he lays his head there
* His praying voice
* When he asks for a "dwank bok" (drink in a box, which is juice box)
* The sound of his gasps and squeals at the sight of Christmas lights
* How he calls out "mommy ho!" or "daddy ho!" when we get home
* How gently he touches Anna's cheeks
* His affectionate impulses towards Anna
* How smart he is and when he surprises me with knowing something I didn't know he knew to begin with
* That he STILL naps for over 3 hours a day
* How he sings the very specific words he knows in a song real loud
* His mommy/daddy song
* That he is CRAZY about the book "When You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and that I am soooo tired of reading it over and over and over and over
* That he shares so easily
* How he cracks up in giggles when I am giggling even though he has no clue what I am laughing at
* How he sleeps with his pillow over his his face
* When he puts Baby Jesus by Baby Nanna and tells me "2 babies"
* How he meltsdown at bedtime when Josh is out of town
* That he loves tomatoes, applesauce, pickles, and broccoli
* How afraid he is of his new toilet top soft potty seat
* How he gently jingles the bells on our tree and handles the ornaments
* When he apologizes without having to be told and how very sincerely he means it
* The sound of his Fernando Ortega "Meditations of the Heart" cd when he sleeps
* Watching him at MDO when he doesn't know I am there
* The sound of his "Mommy!" when he realizes I am there
* How much he loves and insists on the Zacchaeus story and song at bedtime
* His book "The Good Shepherd" (you'd have to see it to understand - it is pretty chewed up from his baby days, but he still wants it read to him now in his toddler days)


Emily said...

oh man...I need to do a list like that! That's a list you'll look back on and treasure (and cry over when they've moved out, haha)...or you could keep his scrapbook going...and add that list to it. His and Brooklyn's age is so much fun!

Unknown said...

What a neat list and sooo individual to your children. I love it! I need to do this for Jacob.

Anonymous said...

If I had a blog, I would make lists of what I love about all my
boys and girls, grown-up or child, for they are all so precious in my sight - I am so thankful that God sees us as precious even when we act so unGodly ( me - this week ) I
don't mind all you bloggers knowing
because mature or "older" (that's me) Christians still struggle - you can
give a witness in the morning and in the afternoon let Satan use you
in a moment of quick anger and you
wonder at yourself but you know that God is faithful and will forgive as you cry out to Him in your heart - Kimberly, I want you to know that the prayer I asked you to pray with me a year ago has
been answered. Thank you. Good
Fellowship with my kids is one of
those precious things I cherish.