Dec 8, 2008

Little People

We just got this Little People nativity set for our little people. UH-dorable!! Too adorable, in fact, not to post about. I mean, really, what a smart idea! Kudos to whoever thought this one up. Goodness knows there are enough fancy pants nativity scenes out there that scream for little hands to reach out and touch, but of course, cannot be touched. What an excellent way to welcome a child's hands and heart and create teachable moments about Jesus' birth. Loving it! And I just have to say, too, that this reminds me of an episode of Reba (one of my all-time, favorite TV shows). When she notices her son has yet again absconded with the little nativity figurine, Reba yells up the stairs to him, "Jake!! Baby Jesus is NOT a toy!" He is now though. :)

Anyway, while we waited for Noah to get home from Mother's Day Out and get his little hands on his new Baby Jesus toy, I had to settle for watching Anna drool all over the wise men.

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Finally Noah got home, got napped, and got busy getting "baby Jewjews" and the the camel and the wise men acquainted with his trains. Then he ever so carefully and studiously set them back with the manger and the mommy (Mary).


Emily said...

What fun! I can see the longing in Anna's expression, how she so badly wants to be able to control her arms in order to grab at those colorful little people!

Can you tell she has more hair now? You probably can't, you see her every day

Alison said...

We got this set last year, and I agree - it's wonderful! Although, right now, every piece is strewn across my house. The kids always know where baby Jesus is though. :)

Unknown said... precious is that!! Jacob still goes and moves my "no touching" one when I'm not looking.

Kimberly said...

Emily: Are you kidding me...I am her hair's biggest cheerleader! Every week I am pointing it out to Josh. And you should see how much faster her blonde patch of hair is growing. Twice the speed of the rest of her head. She's gonna hate that when she is older. Definite freak show material there.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Super cute nativity! And I COMPLETELY agree that a hands-on nativity is such a great idea. In fact, I've been looking for one the past two Christmases to give to my niece!