Dec 16, 2008


Lately, Josh and I have been reminiscing over Noah's long gone baby days as we compare them to Anna's very present baby days. This has caused me to very much regret not having started this blog back when he was born, because I find I have already forgotten so many things. So, in order to salvage a bit of those quickly disappearing baby-Noah-type details (and Anna's too in the process), I wanted to post about some similarities/differences we have noticed from each of our babies' first 3 months.

Some differences:
Noah made all those noisy baby gurgles, hiccups, grunts, sounds, etc. in his sleep that really alarm new moms and keep them from sleeping. Not Anna...she has always slept silently.

Noah had that startle reflex going on real bad for almost 4 months. Not Anna - I have only ever seen her startle maybe 3 times?

Noah hardly ever cried. Not Anna - she hardly ever DIDN'T cry. We're past that trial now of course, but it still scares me at night to recall it.

We didn't even have a pack-n-play for Noah. Anna sleeps in one for all her daytime naps.

Noah had Gerber bottles. Anna has Playtex Drop-In Bottles.

Noah wears only Huggies diapers. Anna is wearing Pampers Swaddlers/Luvs...but only until we run out of what friends gave us of their left-overs. We have our ever loving, trusty Huggies waiting in the wings. :)

Noah HATED tummy time. Anna is totally fine with it, even seems to prefer it.

Noah had a bit of that baby acne and skin issues for the first few weeks. Anna's skin has been soft and smooth since she was born.

Noah didn't sleep through the night for many months. Anna is already down to one feeding at night after 6-7 hours ... usually. As far as babies go, that is considered sleeping through the night.

Noah suckered to a paci within days of being born. Anna still rejects it.

We always burped Noah over the shoulder. Anna has more success sitting on your knee with her jaw in your hand.

Noah was so fine with being in his car seat. Anna is not. She only ever screams herself to sleep in it. Same goes for our beloved baby swing...Noah would ride that bad boy for hours. Anna only ever screams herself to sleep in it. We are still holding out hope that she will get the concept better in a month or so.

Noah already desperately needed a bib at all times by this age. Anna...not yet.

Noah was read to every day from his earliest days. Anna...not so much.

We took a TON of newborn and infant pictures of Noah. Anna...again, not so much. Must be that dreaded second-child syndrome.

And some similiarities:
They were both small for their age at this point. Noah started off in the 25th %ile, Anna is in the 30th %ile. (Although, Anna is in 80th %ile in height. Noah has just FINALLY gotten to the 50th %ile in that category.)

Both babies were born in a state that they did not ever live in. Noah was born in Florida and then we took off to GA on our way to AL. Anna was born in AL and we swooped her on up to TN...

... And so, in the process, we were trying to get to know both babies at the same times as we were trying to get to know new towns and trying new churches.

Both are back sleepers at night. Both were swaddled, too. (Noah slept in a swaddle til just after 6 mos!)

Both had way too many clothes.

Most importantly...MARK MY WORDS... adopted or biological...the experience of love and emotion and pride and joy has been the same for us over them both.


Emily said...

wow! all about Anna with the exception of how much she cried and sleeping in a pack n play, is completely how Natalie is! Everything you listed about Anna! How weird is that?! The paci, the stomach, the lack of startling, the swing and paci rejection, her clear skin from the start...amazing. Our first babies had such a hard time, didn't they! But now isn't it so fun to just sit back and giggle at the things they do!

Emily said...

that was a really fun list to read! I was smiling the whole way through!

Emily said...

and you're so lucky...Noah looks just the same from his baby picture...Brooklyn would be unidentifiable if I didn't know that that baby in those pictures was my little Brooklyn!

Anonymous said...

Fun post :) Makes me miss the baby stage. My baby is about to turn 4 in January!! I cannot believe it. On another note...I noticed the sheet saver under Noah's head in his baby pic. That is one of my all time favorite baby supplies. A must have!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post! I enjoyed that. I also regret not blogging or journaling more about Jacob's younger days. It's so far from my mind now and I hate that.