Dec 21, 2008


Oh the hustle and bustle of activity over this past week!

A Party and a Date: Wednesday, Noah had a pajama party at school, and if you ask me... he took home the Cutest-Kid-in-Pajamas Award. While Noah was there, we had Kimberly come over to babysit Anna for us again, and Josh and I enjoyed a little date matinee! We ate out at a real restaurant, went to a movie (Four Christmases...which had us laughing like crazy), ran an errand or two, and picked Noah up on the way home. It was thoroughly invigorating to be out with my husband without rush, tantrums, or tears. That trip to Gatlinburg may be closer than we think ... sans kids that is! Can you say - Full Weekend Babysitting? :)

Pass on the Paci: On a whim, I put Noah down for his nap and told him no more paci because pacis are for babies and he is a big boy. Really, I was just putting out a feeler to see his response, but the boy was pretty chill about it and that was that. He did cry for about half an hour after I left, but got to sleep nonetheless. That night, he asked for his paci, "pashy go?" and Josh told him they went bye bye and that he was a big boy now. Long story short, that was the end of it. And that was last Wednesday. How easy was that?!

Refinance: Josh jumped all over the one day interest rate drop that happened several weeks ago, and called our bank to refinance. So Thursday, they sent a notary to our house to have us sign all the paperwork. Closing in your own fabulous! And we had a nice visit with the notary. Come to find out she is an adoptive parent as well. She adopted her 9 year old daughter two years ago. :)

May May (aka mailman): Well, in our case, it is mailwoman. And she was as good as Santa himself Thursday when she showed up with gifts galore from Memaw and Papa. Noah ever so obediently put each and every one under the tree, all the while saying to me and Josh "Aw. Aw." This of course translates "Off" and means that he wants to take the wrapping paper off. Who doesn't, I say! Almost every day has gone this way this week as gifts arrived from Aunt Kathy and Robin, Grandma, and Great-Grandma Elba. The mail lady is gonna leave us high and dry come January, and Noah will be so confused then!

Gaylord Opryland: We headed here Thursday night to take in the sights with some friends from Huntsville who were in the area. While the train, and decorations, and lights, and Santa, and fountain show were all very much was clear that Levi was the heart of Noah's enjoyment that night. And as long as we were holding Miss Anna, she was happy, too. Memo to me...remember the baby carrier next time. She is not so happy with her stroller if it means she has to be in her carseat carrier as well.

Once Upon a Potty: The reason we wanted to tackle the paci now is because we plan to tackle the potty training real good in the new year. And as toddlers go, it is not a good idea to have too many big things changing at one time. So now that the paci has left the building, we have started what I like to call "pre-potty training" with a new potty training video that he just adores. He gets his potty, gets me to start the movie (Once Upon a Potty), and he sits and sits and sits for the show (on his potty and naked from the waist down, mind you)...until he gets up to dance to the potty song. And then he wants to do it all again. Guess I can't complain.

Shiny and New: I have not been able to wear my wedding band since about midway through my pregnancy, so Friday Josh picked up my ring after having it cleaned and resized and it fits and sparkles like it did the day I first saw it - January 4th, 2002 when he proposed. So pretty. It is nice to have it back, although after all this time not wearing it, it feels a little funny back on my finger. I think some new earrings for Christmas would make it an easier transition though. Hint, hint, Josh.

My Gym: Saturday, Noah and I joined a class as guests at the local My Gym, a gym experience for babies, toddlers, and children. For his age group, a parent must participate and participate I did. It was such fun and Noah left letting me know he would like "moe gym." So we signed up and can't wait to get back in January.

All things Anna: In other developments, Anna mastered her Bumbo seat this weekend and can sit in it for up to 15 minutes at a time without dropping the head to the front or side. So cute. It is the first step of her development that causes me to catch my breath in realization that she is growing up already! We even had to retire her second round of clothes because she has outgrown them. No more newborn or 0-3 months duds for this little lady. We are a solid 3 months size now! And accordingly, Anna will be officially 3 months on Christmas morning. In addition, Anna started purposefully reaching out for toys and giggling as well. Partner this with her squeals, babbles, and coos, and you can imagine the heavenly soundtrack to our days whenever she is awake. Music.

An encore Anna video for Memaw:


Heather said...

Paci gone in one day...YOU GO GIRL! Nathanael used to sit on the potty without pants on too watching "Elmo's Potty". However, that didn't really get him. What got him was the fact that all the girl cousins were younger and they all wore diapers and all the older cousins are boys and they all wear underwear. When we told him that and it clicked...from that day foward, no more diapers. Except at night which ended a several months ago.

Alison said...

Levi was happy to see Noah too!

Good luck with potty training!!!

Emily said...

I'm so jealous...We went to see lights today, and couldn't find the car paci...I was so close to just going in the car without it, and making her deal with it, but then she started to release her disapproval of I gave in and went back inside to finda nother paci...I can't wait to call the paci're so lucky

Emily said...

oh I just watched the sweet, those little wiggly arms and SUPER long legs...look at that girls legs...good grief, she's a long little thing. SO sweet...still sounds just like I remember her low girgles