Dec 11, 2008


Aaaaaaaah! I just realized I have a misspelled word in my Christmas letter that went out to EVERYONE we know! And that is sooooo not like me! Oh, man. I swear I read and reread and proofed it a million times, and still, a typo. Just. Kills. Me.

Life. What can you do?

Ah well...did anyone else spot it? There is a "Proofer of the Year" award up for grabs. Hee, hee, hee.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have known if you hadn't
made me look for it.

Kimberly said...

Yes, I am guilty "wigging" out over misspelling "wiggling".

You are a woman after my own heart, Mrs. Brown. :)

Unknown said...

chillax! I totally missed that one. You're soo funny!

Anonymous said...

So funny! You are so much like me! I freak out as well if I misspell something, especially something like a Christmas letter...I read and re-read it a hundred times, it seems. I actually can't remember if I caught wigging or not...maybe I just thought Noah was really "wigging", whatever that would have meant! ha

Emily said...

I can't believe you forgot to send me a card. Good grief. :)

Alison said...

What's more funny than you misspelling the word, is forgetting Emily...ha ha ha.

You know that I didn't catch it :)!