Nov 1, 2008

A Screaming Halloween

You have heard of screaming good fun or spooky screams on a holiday such as Halloween. Sadly, we only partook of the screaming baby/screaming toddler sort of festivities yesterday. We stayed out trick or treating all of about 7 houses, I suspect, before we bailed out and headed back home telling ourselves it would be better next year. I am sure it will be better next year, right?

You see, we seem to strike out when it comes to Halloween. Noah's first Halloween we had no neighborhood to trick or treat in, and let's face it, the boy was all of 6 months old at the time anyway. Then last year, we got Noah the most adorable little Nemo costume there ever was. And the evening of Halloween, before we headed out to Trunk or Treat, he came down with a fever over 101 degrees. So that was a definite no go. THIS YEAR, we had to settle for a dinosaur costume that was cute, yes, but only half as cute at the hot dog costume we wanted first. And when our little Noah-saur got to the houses to trick or treat, he could not seem to leave the candy in the bucket. He started trying to give it back or give it away to the people at the next house over. And we couldn't get any more trick or treating focus out of the kid once Noah spotted the "pop" in his candy bucket...the lollipop. He had to have it, screamed a good fit when we tried to coax him into waiting, insisted the night could not go on until that pop was in his mouth. So we humored the boy and let him eat his pop. But you know as well as I do that a toddler and a pop means sticky drool all over the hands, the costume, the stroller, the parents, etc. And this only led us into the next screaming episode once he fell off his stroller stand (twice!) because he could only hold on to the stroller with one hand anyway - he was eating a pop you know. After the third time he hit the pavement face down, we called it a night (nevermind that we had only been out 15 minutes). He then pitched a screaming fit once we got home because he had to take a bath without daddy. Good grief - would the night never end?

I will give you three guesses what other little person was already wailing like her leg was being cut off all the while (yes, she has revisited her fussy crying moods a good bit since I last posted that they stopped). People were looking at me like I was a bad mom - how could I push her along in the stroller with all that wailing and not pick her up? Nevermind that she was so tired she really just needed to cry it out. No one else knew that. So embarrassing. Thank goodness it was dark! Maybe no one will remember my face...any of our faces. We were a regular circus act for sure. I can't help laughing about it even now as I type.

Better luck next year I guess. Enjoy the pics of our lollipoposaurus in front of our house next to our quickly molding jack-o-lantern. I suppose Noah would call the night a success. How can a giant green lollipop at bedtime not be a success? Ah, memories.


Emily said...

So I'm the impatient sister, and you're the stubborn sister. At least that's our ONLY fault! *please don't ask Lee about my bad side...he may lie and tell you I have more faults than just the one*
But... my impatience worked, didn't it?! You posted... :)
Adorable pictures! I was laughing out loud reading about your night! Next year will be better...maybe he'll have some friends to go with, and they'll get the hang of trick or treating and acquiring as much teeth rotting candy as possible. Those teeth fall out anyway.

Alison said...

That last picture is classic. Sorry it didn't work out :(.

Heather said...

What a funny story! I have so many stories where I get the kids all ready for a "fun" outing, and it seems like I am the only "having fun". I am sure that Noah was completely thrilled with having a lollipop before bed. His night was complete!

Unknown said...

He is a total cutie! Sorry it wasn't as planned but it only gets better from here. You made me laugh at your recap though. We go to our church's fall festival and Jacob was a dog and I was a dog walker so I could respectfully leash him. It worked like a charm because he's a runner.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little lollipopasaurus!And yes, next year should be better. : )

sosagtsie said...

The pics are adorable and I love Noah's costume (although the hot dog one sounds great too)! Don't worry about the Halloween thing - this was the first year that Isaac actually got into it and he's 3. Ian had fun but...some times he didn't have that much fun. Def not as much fun as our 3 year old. I think the only reason that Ian even had a small bit of fun was that Isaac was there. Otherwise we would have had to go home very early...

The lollipops must be an age thing - we had issues with them as well. apparently it's the ONLY candy that's desirable and they're wanted NOW!