Nov 16, 2008

WPTM #5: Perfect Love

What Parenting Teaches Me #5: Perfect Love

The other night as I rocked my sleeping baby, I just admired her. Her precious features, her quiet sleep, her sweet and warm breath. So perfect. And I reminded myself in that moment that God looks at me the same, thanks to the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. God looks at me and sees only good, only beauty, only his child whom he made himself and loves, loves, loves. As I watched Anna, I was not stewing over the fussy mood she had earlier, or the dirty diapers she made, or even the fact that I was up at 3:00 am when I would have rather stayed in bed. And it is just same with the Lord, thank goodness. He does not look at me with disapproval, judgement, or irritation although I sometimes carry the burden of feeling like he does or should. No, he sings over me as I do my daughter and it brings tears to my eyes in utter and humble thanks that Jesus made that possible. Forever acceptance and love. Forever promise and hope. Forever new starts...much like a fresh diaper on Anna. Her dirty diapers do not mark her person, nor do my daily sins before the Lord. I change Anna's poopy diapers, take them away, and forget them. Oh praise the Lord it is the same for us, for me...what sin/guilt I have he takes, he changes, and removes it from me as far as the east is from the west. Isn't that the most perfect thing you ever heard...isn't the truth of Christ, isn't God, just the most perfect thing you ever heard? Isn't his forgiveness and love the best thing you ever knew?

It is for me...and holding, watching, loving, and learning from my babies is a close second.


Emily said...

Good good insight! And what a beautiful little girl you have! :)
Awe I miss you guys! I want to be closer so bad!
And good dirty diaper analogy. It's as easy for God to forget our sins as it is for us to forget about their daily dirty diapers! Though I do admit, there are some pretty memorable dirty diapers I've changed :) But I do get the point you made!

Alison said...

That picture of Anna is soooo sweet. Good commentary too.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Wow! You so perfectly communicated your heart... and what a great parenting lesson it is! A great life lesson actually. The "dirty diaper" analogy is beautiful... if anything related to dirty diapers can be beautiful?

Here's a random thought... while going through ever so much stuff yesterday as we pack to move I was flipping through a folder of sermon notes... from 2004. One caught my eye from the fall of that year because I had written "email Josh and Kim about Thanksgiving" across the top. It made me smile to think that nearly 4 years later we finally connected... though not yet in person. It made me kick myself for my procrastinating ways that in this instance caused me to miss out on "what could have been" with the Browns if only I'd sent that email... so thankful for second chances!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of my beautiful family- God has blessed us beyond
measure-I wish I could cuddle those
sweet babies - the rocking memaw

Anonymous said...

This was shared at church tonight
and was well received - thanks for
sharing your heart with us.