Nov 16, 2008

Say What?

Babble. :)

More Sophisticated Babble. :)

This week I caught the boy sweeping my bedroom with the toilet brush. Eew, eeew, eeeew! Another day he wrapped the boppy around his skinny body and asked for the bottle so he could feed Anna. So sweet...if not ambitious! And while Josh assembled a shelf in Noah's room yesterday, Noah abducted a hammer from Josh's tool bag and proceeded to blast away on the wall, you know, to help daddy with the shelf. Aaaah! For another snippet of precious/funny - check out Josh's rendering of last Sunday's hilarity. Yes, Josh FINALLY posted again. But in his defense, he is right...he has been crazy busy lately, and when he is not working for work, or working on the house, well, he is sleeping or has been commandeered by Noah to play trains, choo choo chwains that is.


Emily said...

CUTE, sweet little Anna...still all spastic, you'll be surprised one day when she just suddently quits her spasticity!
Noah was close to saying my name and Brooklyn's correctly! Good job Noah! Ewe, please tell me you cleaned up that bathroom floor with some serious cleaner? That's as bad as when Brooklyn took our fly swatter and put the swatting end in her mouth! I about had a heart attack, but my reaction made Brooklyn never do that again! So gross...But can't germicide the inside of the mouth of a toddler! Gross gross gross. She's still alive though. :)

Anonymous said...

So cute! and the first video I've seen of Anna!(I think) Love all Noah's "more sophisticated babble"...nothing like hearing a 2 yr old learning to funny and soooo cute.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

So fun! You do such a great job of sharing about life at the Brown's!