Nov 15, 2008

Just Because I Can

And even more so, because I love them to pieces. Pics from of late.

Caught the girlie grinning!

Caught the girlie sneezing!

Noah played with his new trains (compliments of Aunt Kathy) for 3 straight hours the other day. It is safe to say we are a Thomas the Train family, even though I tried to fight going the name brand way on this one. It is a long story, but it is all for the best, and even better, Aunt Kathy sent a ton of those trains too, and animals, and tracks, and a video. Yes, we are in full swing with Thomas and grinning all the way.

And I have to admit, I have caught the train set bug too...look at my train track masterpiece!! Once I start putting them together, I can't stop. Josh just laughs at me. I should have had trains as a kid ... clearly.


Unknown said...

Her little grin is soooo sweet. Her personality is going to start blooming!

Welcome to the train club. Jacob is just infactuated with the stuff. He could care less if it's Thomas or not but he loves them too.

I hear you on the track design. Good job. I love to get in the floor and build a masterpiece when he's napping so he wakes up to a sweet surprise. The expression from him is always worth the effort.

Emily said...

Awe! She's not looking like a scrunched up faced little newborn anymore! So So sweet! I love the sneeze picture too. I have lots of those.
And the train track looks like fun! I miss those two kiddos!!

Alison said...

I see you've caved on Thomas!!! He he he....I knew it would happen sooner or later :).