Nov 9, 2008

Knuckles, Lovin', and a Parade

She passes on the paci every time - but suckers right to a tasty knuckle sandwich - the sound bite for which is quite amusing. Get it? Knuckle sandwich and sound bite? Pun intended :)

Love how this trio of pictures takes you through a typical toddler/baby photo session. :) Wish us better luck for our family picture next week at Portrait Innovations (Hooray for having that place just around the corner here!).

In order to really jump into all things Nashville and become participating community citizens (excusing the whole not-voting-thing on my part this year) we headed downtown to the local Veteran's Day Parade this weekend. It was a bit on the wimpy side, but it fit Noah just right. The weather was cool, sunny, and comfortable, and we had a super view of all the fun. It was all a good precursor to whatever Christmas parade we hit next month.

Oh the big, new sounds that come with a parade!

Anna enjoyed the event with a hearty nap - didn't wake up once, not for the screaming sirens, pounding drums, band music, rumbling motorcyles, ROTC chants, or antique car horns.

As resident family photographer, the highlight of MY day was actually making it into a picture for once.

Noah took it all in so quietly, so cautiously.

After the parade we finished off the outing by trying out a new park. Noah brought home a giant leaf as a souvenir to wave with his flag.


Emily said...

It won't be long before she's discovered her good ole thumb! Natalie did the same thing for a while...but then she found it before too long considering she was on her belly and that finger was always in just the right spot! Fun times...
Good pictures!

Anonymous said...

Love the pun! : ) And Emily's right...that thumb is SO handy, and Miss Anna may discover it before long. Cute pictures...looks like discovering Nashville is turning into a nice adventure!

Unknown said...

She is the cutest little thing eating her knuckle sandwich. I noticed how big she's getting in the photos with Noah. I'm glad Noah hasn't protested to give her back.

The parade looked like fun. It sounds like Nashville is providing many fun things for you all.

I have to ask, have you seen any country stars yet? :-)