Nov 24, 2008


As Noah's vocabulary explodes lately (finally), I have found it almost impossible not to keep a list of some of the new words and combos he says. I love being able to communicate with him. Even more, I love him being able to communicate with us!

Gee Aa: Giraffe
Gool: School
Pay: Play
Tee: TV
Din Day: Band-Aid
Dideo: Video (not a new term, but by far the cutest)
Bee You: Peekaboo
Bee Caw: Big Car (referring to monster trucks and fire trucks)
Taw: Tall (as in High)
Dow: Let’s Go Downstairs
Baby Dow: Put the baby down and play with me
Daddy Go: Where did Daddy go?
Dwink Go: Where did my drink go?
Baw Go: Where did my ball go? (and so on and so forth)
Way Ahsa: It’s raining outside.
Mommy see: Mommy’s seat (as he is jumping to steal it when I get up)
Mommy sow: Mommy’s show
Daddy shoo: Daddy’s shoes (when Noah puts them on his feet and walks, or tries to)
Pashy: Paci
Why Aw: I want the light on/off
Moe: More
Pea: Please
Ah tee: Thank you
Up Pea: Pick me up please, or Can I hold Anna?
Baby Way: The baby is awake
Teh too: Step Stool
Baw: Usually ball, but lately, bottle (b/c he wants to feed Anna himself)
Saw Wee: Sorry
Uh Saw: Somersault (which is his newest trick besides kicking a tiny ball)
Puppooh: Purple (the color of his morning medicine and everything else according to him)
Meow Why: Cat ride (as in I want the cat to ride the train, too)
Pwoh: Pillow
Pay Joe: Play at Monkey Joe's
Owngwy: I'm hungry (this is an old phrase of his, but I love the sound of it still)
Dee: This
Bwown: Brown
Appoo: Apple
Coo: Cool
Beh Beh Beh: Berenstain Bears (his favorite show to watch)
May May: Mailman
Hee Haw Hee: Who knows? Lost in Translation, I guess...what I do know is that he expects me to repeat it after him...and I do...and it is so funny to him
Woahwah Too: Noah, too (as in Can I do it, too?)
Wee Byeboh: Read Bible (as in read me the bible...ohhh, isn't that precious? He actually said these words to me today as I carried him upstairs for a nap while he wails and cries the whole way...he only calmed down when I agreed to wee byeboh)


Unknown said...

So cute! Many of those pronunciations look so familiar. You're so good to write these down. It becomes a apart of your own language that you don't notice how different their words are. You just respond and that's that.

Joshua said...

I submit for additon "bow" - translated bowl. He held it up for me this morning when asking for more appoos.

Emily said...

so fun...I'm so going to do a post like this...and you helped to jog my memory of many or brooklyn's words. fun times...

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Sure wish I'd written down my kids "words"...I can only remember a few, like Lee's "daddizsh",meaning "Daddy", and said that way because he was always hearing us say "Daddy's shoes, Daddy's home, etc". He also called Ben "Diddy" for whatever reason! Yes, Emily please do a post like this! : )

Ellen said...

Thanks for the inspiration! This is a great reminder that we need to remember all these adorable pronunciations before they disappear! I'm going to write down Davis's also...