Apr 8, 2017

Pics from a Friday

Yesterday was long, but good, boring, but interesting.  I grinned at the pics I had left from the day last night.  Sad our slow and low key spring break is now over, but glad we kept it slow and low key all week. We all needed a rest.

I tried a new thing in Lasa's hair.  Not sure it came off, but for the record, it was a flat twist (which is sort of like a french braided two strand twist).  Must try again so I can get it right.  Will present properly in a hair post when I do. ;)

We played in Anna's room WITH Lasa (which we don't usually let her do in Anna's room since it's not baby-proofed) and it was adorable to watch her play dolls .. the right way!  Growing up in fun bits and pieces. And while playing, Lasa picked out this dress for Anna's doll that was a gift from Memaw.  Then we paired it with Anna's apron she made in her sewing class.  It was so precious together!  And the teacher in me was all grinny because it goes so well with our history units this year and the new Western Expansion one we are starting next week. 

I mean.  Just so much weight and gospel truth in ONE sentence.  And so perfect for the Easter season.  Found this on my Bible app while just poking around.  Saving it for later.

It was so bright outside I was blinded without glasses.  And even with them I had to shield my eyes. But how beautiful is the light still.  And the shadow!  I love this shot.

I got some new XS kiddie bun makers to try in Lasa's hair, but for my first attempt I used it in Anna's.  She was so giggly and happy with it, she couldn't wait to display it for all the world.  So, of course, she hopped on the bike and rode up and down the street over and over again, in case she might acquire an audience for her hair. Ha! Wore it to baseball practice too.  She is adorable.

We are reading a really good book (A Long Walk to Water) and came upon this really good quote in the 2nd and 3rd sentences below.  Not counting how the speaker is talking about waiting in a refugee camp, I can so relate.  Can't we all?  Hoping and Not Hoping? So much yes.  Sidenote, this book has been so riveting for Noah and Anna, that Anna is pretty sure she wants to join the Peace Corps and do humanitarian work ... and tell people about Jesus on the sly while she is there.  I wuv her. I told her I could so see her doing those things.  I told her I would be so worried about her in these places if she goes, but that we would just have to entrust her to the Lord.  I told her she makes me proud.

Back to our little world here and now, I was feeling icky by the afternoon and skipped dinner entirely.  The air out was so nice, so we walked to the pond in our neighborhood after Anna's ball practice.  This sort of killer cuteness ensued.

That and the air helped me ignore the achy skin all over my body that was starting to get worse.

We stopped at the park on the way home.  Lasa put two sweet words together, which is a fun speech-related development to watch happening.  Even more fun was that she did it to speak to me, to get my attention, even with her favorite (Daddy) right there within reach.  She said, "Momma, wook!"  She was so proud of herself on the big swing with the big kids.  I was so proud, too. ❤️ 

I mean, look at that look in her eye!

Also, how fun is this boy?

I went downhill fast after this walk and was a fevered, shivery, freezing, queasy, hungry, tired mess allll night.  Today I {think} I feel better?  Not sure what was up!   Taking my beautiful Saturday very slow just in case. I am home while Josh and the kids are off on Nashville adventures.  Will post those pics when I get my hands on them.  But for starters, I have this one he sent me during their picnic lunch.



Amy Faye Brown said...

This is a charmed life, my friend.
Confident children because of a dedicated and loving mama.

Kimberly said...


Emily said...

What a pretty walk you have that pond! So beautiful.