Apr 15, 2017

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Gosh, we have so many years of memories at our annual Cambridge Farms Easter Egg Hunt!  It's amazing to scroll through the images that come to mind.  Some precious, some cold, some sweltering, some crying, some winning, some delightful.  This year, we added a new memory - Lasa's first time to hunt eggs.  

She has been awesome hunting eggs in the backyard.  This was gonna be so fun to watch!  So it will amuse you to find out, good friends, that when they finally said Go! for the 0-3 age group and the people all descended upon that corner of the park, Lasa was so overwhelmed at the sight and activity that she simple refused to participate.  She wanted none of that hooliganizing.  HA!  She kept saying, "No!" and backing away every time we tried to coax her into picking up even one silly egg right at her feet.  Baby girl was not having it.  Too funny!


She seriously was so overwhelmed with all the people ... and a certain Easter Bunny in costume. ;) She kept her eyes on that character for sure.


Before go time ...

During go time ... would not budge.  Just stared, expressionless and overwhelmed.  Anna grabbed two eggs for her and two packs of easter puff cheese balls.  Seriously, y'all.  Lasa was so pitiful, other parents nearby kept telling us to go grab eggs FOR her.  I think they thought she would be upset.  But nope.  She was uninterested through and through.  Fine with me!


Anna was dressed for team pics right after this, but was so excited to get to participate.  All week, we weren't even sure we were gonna go.   I think we are officially old parents and are just over all the holiday hoops to jump through.  Reallife!  Anyway, this was sort of a last minute decision and she was riding that wave of surprise and excitement.  Baby girl found 41 eggs and 6 snack packs and was whisked off to baseball after that.


Noah, was excited to discover they had added an age group that he still fit in.  He thought he aged out at 10.  This year they had a 10-12 group.  Josh had to grab a ratty bag from his car since we didn't plan for Noah to hunt and that boy was off to the races yet again!  I still remember his first year in that same patch of grass at the precious little 3 year old stage.  He killed it that year!  Ha!  This year, he gathered 52 eggs and was just glad to get to take part.  


We stuck around for swings and bubbles and friends and snow cones and egg toss fun after that.  As you can see, Lasa decided to engage at this point ... when half the crowd had already left. :}


Anyway, another year's Easter Egg Hunt in the 'hood is in the books.  Lasa's suprising indifference to it all will be the thing we remember the most.  Good time!


The White Family said...

"I think we are officially old parents and are just over all the holiday hoops to jump through." Yes!!! Amen! THIS is exactly what I've been saying all week. Paxton's been home now for two Easter's and I don't think he's hunted an egg once! Oops! I figure next year he will be in preschool a couple of days a week and he can do a hunt then! When Connor and Kyle were little, I was all about the "holiday hoops", but now, I'm just old and tired! Oh well!

Kimberly said...

This is why you are my kinda people. Solidarity, sister! :}

Emily said...

hahahahahaha!!! yes! Jack did an egg hunt in 2015...and that was the last one we did...didn't even cross our minds this year to find an Easter egg hunt! Right there with you!