Apr 16, 2017

Easter Sunday

Easter Goodies

Easter Sweets

Lasa's Easter Past

Lasa's Easter Present

Easter Outtake - booboos are a big deal for her.  😜

Was trying to get just the right shot of her to share on our Jonah's Journey page.  
She was not cooperating. 


Oh well!  No perfect shot this year.  But there's a sort of perfection in imperfection is what I am coming around to. ❤️

It was so wonderful to hear a roomful of our church family belting out worship songs this morning.  I love Redeemer Church so much!  We will wrap up this Easter with a visit with Lasa's momma later this afternoon.  Good Easter Sunday!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Happy Easter, Fam!

Emily said...

Love!! Amazing .... how much one year does in changing a child!