Apr 28, 2017

Anna and ADD

So, I don't think I have gone into much detail about how long and how severely we have struggled with Anna's inability to focus and her subsequent inability to complete things she starts, remember even the most common and routine responsibilities, keep up with things, etc.  For years we have just endured it all and prodded her along incessantly, chalking it up to her personality and general childishness.  This year, however, it reached a breaking point; it began to interfere with family life, I became concerned for her anxiety-wise, punishments were being doled out in extreme ways, it was taking a toll on mood for all in the home, and all of this became wearing enough that Josh finally agreed with me that maybe there was something more going on than just little girl spaceyness.  It has seriously been a growing concern for me for years now.

So, with Josh's blessing, in January I took Anna for a well-check and asked the dr for some feedback regarding ADHD.  She said it sounded easily like a diagnosis and treatment plan was in order at this point and age.  She gave me some surveys to complete and have completed by another adult in Anna's life, and we finally made our way back there earlier this month to follow-up.  I had a lengthy list of typical symptoms that were concerning us and a list of Anna's descriptions of what it has been like/feels like for her.  This list was so lengthy, I didn't even get through them all before the dr was convinced and we were talking medication options.  I left her office feeling hopeful for Anna and us along with her.  What I did not anticipate after that was how complicated it would get before we could actually get the dang prescription filled.  It took a solid week of a million phone calls and finagling options, but we started our girl on an extended-release stimulant last week.  And let me just tell you - It was a difference maker from the get-go.  I almost wasn't sure that it was the medicine or just our excitement at the prospect of improvement.  See here that first morning after taking it, a text I sent Josh...

Now, a full week in, I am happy to report that Anna has enjoyed a fulllllll week of success on this front.  She is finishing what she starts, she is accomplishing what she sets out to do, she is aware of herself and time around her, she is remembering what she is responsible for, she has time to spare after completing those things, she enjoys not having me breathing down her neck at last! She has experienced not a single side effect (which was my primary concern - sleep, appetite, mood being effected) and has not had to be prodded along for any. of. the. daily. and. hourly. and minutely. things that were plaguing us before this.  Now I know the effectiveness of this med can change over time, as well as any side-effects, but for now we are just tickled pink at the positive results for her.  She is taking the smallest dosage available and, as I expected, it is JUST the edge she needed to be able to connect and be present with the things she wants to be and needs to be involved with every day.   Coupled with her new skill of finally being able to swallow a pill whole (ha!), this girl feels like a rock star.  I almost want to pinch us both, it has gone so smoothly and successfully.

So anyway, all that to say - this is a new thing we are doing with Anna and we are pretty pumped about it! We go back to her dr in a few weeks to talk about how it's going and I have some questions for her about nutritional supplements I can help Anna with going forward.  I joined a parents of ADHD kiddos group page on FB and am learning SO MUCH. Interested to get feedback from her dr. about things I am reading there.  Wish us luck as we go forward!  Off to a strong start and thanking the Lord for that big time!


Emily said...

Glad it's working for you guys!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I am SO happy for you AND Anna that you've found a solution that seems to be working. And am curious to hear more about the nutritional supplements. We repeatedly see signs in Rebeka that are concerning... for now we just repeat, repeat, repeat. Make her look us in the eye and repeat what we've said to be sure she understands, but it can be so frustrating when she neglects to do the simplest of tasks. Meal time is like pulling teeth at nearly. every. meal. to keep her focused on eating. Maybe one day we should chat... but for now I am thrilled that you've seen so much improvement! Yay!

Kimberly said...

All I can say is yes! I hear you. And based on even those little snippets you shared, I remember seeing that during your visit! I didn't even think about it at the time. I saw this video on one of the three pages I now follow about this and it makes me cry...in a good way. Good info! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHd48MbyBzY&feature=youtu.be