Apr 15, 2017

Good Good Friday

Yesterday was Good Friday.  Since Josh had the day off, we treated it like a Saturday and went to the lake to kayak and play!  Usually, I take this chance to stay home and Josh goes with the kids because he is not a lazy bum introvert that desperately needs downtime to reenergize like me.  BUT, I have been coming to the realization that when I take that downtime, I am also removing myself from fun memories with my people.  So, I sucked it up and went along for the ride.  This time. ;)  

This was Lasa's first time at Josh and the kids favorite launch spot - LaGuardo Recreation Area.

And this was Anna's first ride on her kayak she got for Christmas.  Fun fact - Noah now wants to sell his kayak. HA!


Coming back from the first of four excursions out on the kayaks.  One shot I got where you see Lasa on board. She went out twice. The second trip she just complained the whole time, begging to "eat, eat."

Back on shore, there was cold water but warm shore activity.  And lunch and chips and juice boxes.


This girl was FEARLESS about the water.  Which hyped up my fearfulness for her.  HA!  I hovered like a crazy woman.  When another little posse of kiddos romped nearby, Lasa got so caught up in the noise and fun and would just take off with them, trying to bound in deeper and deeper. She would squeal and screech and squawk with joy and excitement.  Her stunned deep breaths at the coldness of the water the deeper she went were a hoot.  But it didn't slow her down.


We'll have to go a few more times to get her (and us with her ) used to more wet and wild play before our actual beach trip this fall.  

Back at home, Josh and the kids worked on some tree house modifications and planted this year's first garden guest ... tomatoes, as always.

Then we cleaned up for our church's Good Friday service, but not before enduring the worst circus act at the pharmacy we have ever endured.  I left Walgreens in tears, it was so maddening; our attempts to get a rx filled, so futile.  We did this on the way to church, and had a friend not been waiting for me there, I would have turned around and gone right back home at that point.  My mood was shot!  Will try that darn pharmacy again on Tuesday, we hope.  In the meantime, Josh is gonna put in a call to our insurance to see if we can't go in there with more reliable and ready information than they seemed to be able to help us with this time.   Between the communication flaws from doctor, to pharmacy, to insurance, and considering our newness to new rx options to choose between for Anna, it was just a perfect storm of confusion and misinformation.  

But, oh!  It was a wonderful Good Friday service with our Redeemer church family.  The truth and praise and community snapped me right out of my funk.  So all in all, it was a good Good Friday.

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