Dec 31, 2016

Closing Out 2016

Thankful to have wrapped up this year with many friendly faces, much football, and a ton of being home with my little family.  

Kiddos squeezed in one last campout.

I grabbed another handful of clouds that were close enough to touch.

We spent time with old friends - some local, some swinging through from out of town - the Graffs, the Taylors, and the Ramseys.  Noah even got to spend an afternoon with pals William and Jonas. Such encouraging friendships!  We got so caught up in conversations that I entirely forgot to grab pics, save for this one that Jill caught of Ross bouncing Lasa on his knee until she just about fell asleep.  Funny moment.

Speaking of dear friends, I just can't bring myself to take down the cards that came this month.  Taking my time...

I captured this precious moment where baby laid her milk on the fridge and turned to me saying, "Shhhhhhh."  I melt.

I love this new addition to our living room and how many musical moments have been spent here in just one week and will continue to be spent here.  Josh and the kids can't get enough.  And I kinda love the sight of sheet music laying open.  Josh is teaching the kids himself, since we aren't in a position to pay out the wazoo for piano lessons. :}  

 Our second fridge came today and it is beautiful - black stainless steel that thankfully matches the slate of the other pieces well.  Problem is, it won't run water through it ... so they are ORDERING US ANOTHER FRIDGE.  Oh dear God, please let 2017 bring an end to our appliance woes.  

We are home and chillin' on this New Year's Eve.  Noah and Anna have assigned themselves the project of staying up til midnight and they think it's just the coolest thing that we are letting them.  Wish them luck!  We shall see how that party goes.  Josh, who is already tired at 8:30 votes that we clock out when the ball drops in the eastern time zone.  HA! We have more football to watch, some glasses of sparkling juice to enjoy,  cookies baking in the oven as I type, and some board games on the agenda for after Lasa has gone to bed.  

It's been a TRIP and a HALF, 2016. It is high time you wrapped up your antics and ushered in a brand new year.  We thank you for the memories and we look forward to a fresh new calendar of surprises ahead. 

Bring on 2017!


Cindy said...

Happy New Year! We had to come home early from Birmingham because Ben had the stomach bug :-(

Amy Faye Brown said...

Happy New year!

Kimberly said...

Oh Cindy! That is no way to take in a NYE. You aren't alone though. I see many friends home with sick peeps as well. Tis the season! Get better by next weekend, Ben! We have birthday business to attend to. :)

Happy New Year, Amy! Who knows what lies ahead next year, amiright?! ;) Maybe we might even run into each other? It's a long shot, but it could happen. Hugs!

Emily said...

SOooo did they make it to midnight to ring in the New Year? Did you and Josh? I was IN BED. We are so boring, but at least I wasn't a zombie today ;)

Kimberly said...

We all stayed up til NY turned the new year. Anna said she was gonna stay up in her bed til midnight, but she didn't. She has since said next year she really, really means to stay up til central time zone midnight. :}