Dec 23, 2016

Odds 'n Ends Before Christmas

So this week, heading into Christmas, Josh had the WHOLE week off.  So Nice!  The kids and I powered through four more days of school anyway.  But we did them loosely.  Squeezed in some fun each day as well so it felt like Christmas Break sooner.  

Bright and early Monday morning, we hit up Polar Express with buddies at our local theater and really enjoyed that on the big screen.  The next day, Josh and the kids took in Star Wars Rogue One.  I moped at home because I was sad to be on baby duty instead.  Wednesday, we hit up Circus World with friends.  The kids did all the sights - spider jump, bumper cars, laser tag, skating, punch wall, and then all those again.   My personal favorite part was that we went on half price day and had half off coupons on top of that.  We made it in and out having only spent $10 total.  Love! 

I also love the lowlight in my living room every night provided by our sweet and simple tree.  I miss it come January every year.

Lasa had a follow up appt with her ENT midweek and I am so happy to report her hearing seems to have healed since the tubes.  She was able to pass the hearing test in both ears this month!  Tubes for the win!  BUT, she is sick and puny with a fever now ... on day 3 ... and I see another pediatrician run coming up tomorrow, aka Christmas Eve.  Phooey on that!

Here at year's end, I do a lot of thinking about how our lives have changed since Lasa and Angelique, a lot of thinking about how we have survived the last almost 18 mos!  This time last year, Josh was taking chubby baby girl to visit Angelique at rehab.  This year, she is in a different institution - our local jail - and we will not be visiting just yet.  Partly because she hasn't asked for it and partly because Lasa's lawyer advised us to wait.  BUT, I did go ahead and write to her and print pics and included Lasa's PDO footprint ornament in a little Christmas mail to her at the detention center.  Took some research to make sure what all is allowed to be sent and to whom and what numbers are required and such, but I got it done.  Kimmie's first ever letter to jail.  Milestone! Weird, but milestoney.

In other news, we have a new garage door opener, new wiring for cable in our living room, and our new fridge is great but loud.  So loud we decided to go through the hassle of returning it and getting a different brand one that will not be uniform with the new dishwasher and oven, but oh well.  Quiet trumps uniformity after all.  We are ready to not be on the hunt for big ticket items after this, provided my aging washer and dryer can hold on a while longer.

The new fridge will be delivered on New Year's Eve and we are happy to report that Home Depot has been so refreshing to deal with in terms of this return/exchange.  For the record, GE has been pleasant as well.  Our new fridge will be LG.  Wish us luck with that!!  Hoping to end the heavy shopping (hot tub, car, cabinets, appliances, plumbing, garage, etc) with this year and not carry these sorts of hassles and expenses into 2017.  

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