Dec 15, 2016

Homegrown Santa

I believe this is the third year Josh has helped out with a Christmas surprise for some super special kiddos in his district.  The first year he did it, it was only because the original Santa they booked got sick at the last minute.  Josh filled in and has stuck with it since.


Precious moments.  Proud of him!

I think he is just such a gem for filling in this role and with such cheerfulness.  This year, he opted out of a fake beard and tried theater paint instead.  Not bad.  Not enough white, methinks, but there's always next year. ;) I don't think the kiddos minded at all.


Proud of my quiet guy for playing along and being the life of the party when duty calls.

Josh says he plans to do this for pay one day after he retires.  And I so believe him.  That beard will start earning its keep then.  Ha!  

Ho, ho, ho!


Emily said...

Josh doesn't look too shabby as an old man hahaha!

What a good guy. So joyful like as Santa.

And did you say quiet guy? NOT normally the life of the party? Are we talking about the same person here??? I know not who you are speaking of. ;)

Emily said...

Santa just needs to straighten his belt buckle in that last group shot :) What a fun post.

Kimberly said...

Yeah, totally quiet guy. You guys see him in his comfort zone. But when i take him out in groups, he doesn't say much. :/ Just doesn't feel the need.