Dec 15, 2016

Sick Days in December

This past weekend, Josh and Anna got really sick, and I mean REALLY sick, late Saturday night.  They were both up all night making all kinds of messes.  They slept the next 24 hours after that, pretty much, and were slow to get up after that.  But by Tuesday they were back on their feet at least.  Tuesday, however, is when Noah went down.  Thankfully, his turn with the germ went much more mildly only knocking him out for a little over a day.  He proudly declares that that is because he drinks so much water.  I am inclined to give him credit and agree.  Lasa and I are so thankful to have dodged the germ bullet.  I still shudder to recall how 2016 came in ... with all four of us going down and scared out of our minds for Lasa's health if she got it, which she never did, thankyouLord.

So it's been a slow, weak week.  Much anticipated social events had to be missed and tears were shed at times.  Thankfully, both kiddos were able to go to their co-op today and ring in the holiday with their classmates and much Christmas partying and gift exchanging. This shot is of Noah's class.  I hope Anna's class posts one here soon.

So while we did slow, condensed school days and generally waited around for bodies to heal this week, I took pics of a few things I did to pass the time.  These 3D butterflies in Lasa's room, for instance.  And a new-to-us dresser from GTP also for her room.  Building it piece by piece. Love!

Slowly keeping up with our Jesse Tree devotionals...

Ordered and received my Christmas present ... a GelPro mat for in front of the kitchen sink.  Lasa thinks it is her own private perch.  She loves it; I don't know if you can tell. ;)

I got all the presents wrapped and under the tree.  And baited the baby into standing near them so I could take precious pics.

Anna's first day that she was allowed out of her room, Lasa was SO happy to see her sister.

Lasa has discovered hummus and she cannot. get. enough.

I got some new pics in the mail finally.  I haven't really updated this wall in almost two years.  It was time to find a way to incorporate a whole new 8x10 pic (of Lasa) that wasn't there to begin with.  I worried I would have to rearrange a ton, but I didn't really.  Just shifted a few things, turned some frames a different direction, and slipped in more current prints ... with a significant Lasa presence this time.  Finally!  She adores the pics on this wall and I have been antsy to make sure she sees her face, her place in our family up there.  

And you know me.  More sky gazing.

I am in love with this baby.  Precious season of her life. 

Also a part of this season of her life - tupperware-type containers everywhere. 

Another beautiful Nashville sky.  I swiped this pic from our local national weather station's view one day that they posted on FB.  GoRgEoUs.

Enjoying checking the mail every day this month as Christmas cards come rolling in.  Such fun!

 Thinking we will drive around to look at neighborhood Christmas lights tonight, just because we can, even if it is below freezing today.  Carry on, December!  We are enjoying you and counting down til Christmas break starts next week.  Gosh, this year has FLOWN by.


Emily said...

Sweet Christmas time memories. :)

Kimberly said...

Which is a funny response to a post called Sick Days. Guess that means we saw the week half full instead of half empty. Winning!

Emily said...
