Jul 5, 2014

Fever and Fireworks for the 4th

You could not have dreamed up a more gorgeous weekend for the 4th of July than the one we are enjoying this year.  Low humidity, highs in the low 80s, cool night air, 3 day weekend ... and a fever?  

Yep, only an hour and half before we were headed out for our first holiday get together with friends, Anna woke up from a nap with a fever.  Noah and I went ahead to the potluck and enjoyed the sweet fellowship and the fireworks from a perfect spot in the middle of a golf course all to ourselves, but the fun was muted in my head because we were missing our Josh and Anna who would have so enjoyed the night.  :( Instead, they were managing Anna's temp and the onset of some stomach issues.  No fun!

I offered to stay home with Anna the second night of fireworks so Josh could take Noah to hang with friends at another holiday event, but Josh (bless him) opted to just bring some fireworks home to our girl instead.  She was tickled by the gesture. ♥  (And bonus, Josh's boss owns the fireworks stand he visited and gave him the good ole "friends and family" discount.)

In between bouts of yucky sickness, Anna felt great, though,

so we made the best of our weekend quarantine and enjoyed the home-bound festivities completely.

Waiting on the sun to set so we could do more fireworks...

Getting prepped...

Letting the kids light a few simple ones in the street...

And enjoying the brighter, noisier ones in the back yard where there were no power lines overhead ...

Clearly (or unclearly) I couldn't find the right setting for catching the lights this year, but you get the idea.

And after one or two that shot off a little haywire, Noah and Anna enjoyed the show from on the porch.  Anna donned her specially made "party hat" just for the occasion.

It was a small-scale show, 

but it was sweet and suited us just fine.

The kids loved picking out which firework to light next and there were a ton of booms and pops in the background from all over the neighborhood and town.  Felt so festive!  Happy Fourth!


Emily said...

I sure like that big metal pail for the fireworks ! Very safety minded....we just had our hose on and ready :)

Anna was a mighty pretty little fever-ing girl. Wouldn't have known she didn't feel well!

Kimberly said...

Josh instituted that precaution after one fell over and went psycho shooting sideways in our yard, toward the house, and IN OUR NEIGHBOR'S BACKYARD. I was mortified thinking of their hammock catching on fire! Phew! Big bucket it was after that.

It was a strange fever/sickness she had. And she was also finishing up an antibiotic for a month long cough. FYI, the cough is still here. Week 6 by now. :S