Dec 27, 2013

Six Browns All Aboard!

We took to the rails today in order to see the Nashville skyline with Josh's parents.  It was a really nice little excursion!

Josh and the kids waiting for The Nashville Star to pull into the station.  Eager much? :}

My budding photographer wore out the batteries on her new camera on the way.

This being my first ride on real-live train, I had no idea they were two-story.  Kinda cool!

Apparently it was warm up there, because everyone was back downstairs soon after scoping it out.

The pedestrian bridge at the riverfront is always a nice stroll/photo op.

In which Kimmie tries to have an artistic eye...

The kids enjoyed taking in Cumberland Park again.


Lucky for us, this was the warmest day this week.  Perfect timing!

Attempting to photograph my cherubs, take 1.

Take 2.

Take 3.  Whatevs. Moving on.

Bring on the other touristy shots...

On the ride home, Noah was bouncing off the walls.

We are really lucky none of the other passengers gave us the evil eye.

Bless him.

After the train ride there and back, 

we landed at Bellacino's for dinner on the way home.  Yum!