Jun 29, 2013

Rounding out June

It's been a great first month of summer, but it's been a full and long month, too.  I am so ready to turn the page on my calendar to July and know that we are on the official downhill slide towards Christmas. :)  BUT, first things first - Wrapping up June.  Here's some more summer highlights to round out this month's activities and news.

We gathered up a bunch of buddies

and headed to our beloved Don Fox Park to play.

There was no shortage of splashes, smiles, and sweet friends to enjoy in the sun.

Anna was quick to invite her friend, EmmaLove, over to play a little more later on in the week.  

Thursday was full of errands and such, so Friday was all about a field trip of sorts with a bunch of kiddos from our playgroup.  We headed north to check out Chaney's Dairy Barn on a mercifully overcast and breezy day. :)

We took in a private tour with Mr. Silas

and met Ms. Glimmer

who was so kind as to demonstrate how she gets milked twice a day.

After petting her and her baby bump (she is 6 1/2 mos pregnant)

and petting 6 week old Addison, too, 

we hopped back on our tractor hayride to where our lunches and fresh ice cream scoops were awaiting us.

Then it was time to let loose on the old farm favorite - big black corrugated slides!

We watched the rain come in from afar and, when it did, we let the kids play in it anyway.  :) They had fun camping out inside the big slides actually.

I just love a good landscape shot more and more every year.  Proof I am getting old.  I remember when I was kid saying, "What's the big deal? It's grass and trees."  Ah, ignorant youth.

More roughhousing on the farm.

Anna tuckered out pretty quickly.

By bedtime that night, my poor boy was hit with much throwing up and diarrhea and a fever.  It was a long, rough, messy, sleepless night that landed him sleeping in the kitchen to try to prevent any more nasty, hard-to-clean messes.  Today has gone much smoother.  Weaker and punier, but smoother nonetheless. All he has done is lay on the couch all day.  He took two naps as well and still was asleep in bed by 6:30, bless him.  He hasn't eaten in 24 hours now.  But he sure is cuddly and quiet.   

In other news, Anna got a pretty new Pottery Barn shelf in her room that she is so proud of. 

And since she did not come down with whatever Noah has, she also got to go to her good friend Caitlin's 5th birthday party with a dress-up tea party theme.  Adorable!

All that's left to mention from this week is the odd fact that my parents (again, who haven't been in our lives for a year now) shocked us by emailing not once, but twice, out of nowhere.  First to let us know in a group email that they have moved.  And then yesterday, to invite us to come to the lake with them next month if we would like to.  To which I stared wide-eyed and confused and angry at the screen all at once.  What?!!  Anyway, unwilling to be drawn back into that vicious cycle of that one day peaceful/one day psychotic relationship again, we politely declined and took the opportunity to decline in advance for anything and everything else going forward.  No.  Just no.  And still I just say, Seriously?  Like, SERIOUSLY?  

Anyway, shaking it off and looking forward to moving forward!  Get here, July!

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