Jul 1, 2013

Anna's "Standing" Swing

Anna's dreams of a standing swing came to life this weekend.  We took down (and quickly sold!) the tire swing they never use and plopped this IKEA swinging ladder in its place.

This ladder has been a number of places in its lifetime in our family.  First, and most noteworthy, is it's original purpose ... it was a wall feature in our first baby's nursery.  Ahhh, what a room that was, too!

You can't exactly see the ladder from this angle, but it was there!  Hanging from the ceiling just above the hamper over on the left. :)  Anyway, years later, it was sitting in a closet after our move until I got Josh to affix it to the side of the playground and anchored at the bottom.  Then, when we got the big tube slide, the ladder was again relegated to storage, but this time in Josh's shed.  And as fate would have it, I spotted it this weekend while I visited Josh in his lair and knew it would be JUST the thing for my girl's vision. In minutes, it was a reality and Anna was over the moon when she got up from her nap.  I love a quick fix and doing it for free. :)  And for once, I am glad to have held on to something this long.  You know how I like to sell stuff. Ha!


Emily said...

awe! with sentimental value too! what fun!

Kimberly said...

Anna would like to know when you will come up here next, btw. Be scoping out spring break next year. We can work ours to match yours.

Emily said...

I will talk to Lee about when we can come. But yes! We want to come too!