Jul 31, 2013

Anna's Kitchen Concoction

Anna made ice cream today via the milk and cereal in the bottom of Noah's Honey Nut Cheerios bowl and some whipped cream.  She apparently poured it all in one of her play kitchen pots, mixed it up, and popped it in the freezer all before I ever got out of bed.  Somewhere in the middle of the day, she transferred it to the fridge so it could thaw a bit.  And then just before Josh got home, she asked if she could try the ice cream she made.  "Yes?" I said, not quite sure what the heck she was talking about.  This was the first I heard of it.

It took some chipping away, but try it and love it she did.  As it melted, she even went so far as to pour it into another of her little bowls and beat it with her toy mixer.  I had to physically bite my tongue in order to not fuss about the drippy, melty, sticky mess she was making.

But how could I argue with this face and ALL that initiative?  I am so in love with this girl.


Emily said...

how stinking precious is that little girl! I'm in love too :) Sweet baby!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Impressed on so many levels!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I'm going to have issues one day with sticky drippy messes, I just know it. :-) But you're right... who can argue with initiative and cuteness like that?