Aug 2, 2013

Nashville Zoo

Our membership expired back in March and, broke as we have been, we let a little time go by before we renewed.  Now that the hottest of the summer is behind us (I think), and now that Noah is studying animal kingdoms, it was the perfect time to get ourselves back to Nashville Zoo.  We went with a bunch of other friends and it was fun to run into so many familiar faces everywhere we turned.  Truth be told, it was also a little distracting.  Noah is so social, he cared more about keeping up with friends than he did about the actual animal exhibits. That stinker!

This past week Noah did some creative writing about kangaroos ... and wouldn't you know it?  Our zoo is opening a Kangaroo Kickabout exhibit next month!  Looking forward to that.  Today's highlights included me actually driving there by myself for the first time (phew, we made it!), Anna getting to see her beloved flamingos again, and Noah being so brave feeding the lorakeets (3x!).  It being an open-fly exhibit, it can be unnerving when they land on you and Noah has flipped out a time or two.  There were no landings on us today, but I did get pooped on right away in the morning.  Ha!  When you have hit that low, you can't get much lower - which is why I didn't flinch when I had to ask a perfect stranger to wipe my back for me.  The kids would have been no help!  Noah and Anna also rode the carousel 3 times

and played in the playground twice ... which was nice to sit down and let them run and not worry about keeping up with them like I saw many other moms of little kiddos have to do.

This was also the first time Noah and Anna have been denied entrance into the soft toddler play area because they are too tall.  You know what that means ... it's on, Disney!  My babies have a little height at last!

Also, about today - I think we call this a field trip now that we are in the homeschool scene. :}


Amy Faye Brown said...

I love zoos, yet I still haven't been to the one in New Orleans that everyone raves about. Maybe my sweetie will take me there for Christmas.
Sounds like homeschool is off to a great start!

Emily said...

It DOES sounds like school is off to a great start! Already going on field trips! I'm jealous of the field trips :) haha. OH and the lack of germs you are around...Brooklyn already got her a cold from school....or maybe she got it before it started and SHE'S spreading it around now. uh. whatever. :) Fun times at the Brown house!