Aug 10, 2013

School Snippets

Though I get asked a lot lately, I am still not really ready to say much about how homeschooling is going, because it's just too soon to say; it's going good enough if that is any help to you. :)  But I can at least offer up some shots of a few things we have done along the way.

Our new arthropodic pets - Harvester Ants. Our other arthropodic pets (the sea monkeys) are still alive against my best wishes that they'd hurry up and die.

Giving Kandinsky a run for his money with a concentric circles/contrasting colors art project.That's Noah's in the middle and mine and Anna's on the outside.

Trying out the body painting symbols used by different peoples around the world.

Noah's favorite thing about homeschooling so far is math.  The curriculum we are using relies on a lot of math games and my boy LOVES the competition and play ... much like my students back in my classroom days. My dart board reward system comes in at a close second!  In other school related news, Noah is memorizing Psalm 1 in its entirety and doesn't realize yet how very proud this makes him.  He's halfway through, and when he is done, I can't wait to post a video. 

PS - I did sign us up for a local homeschool fellowship that meets once a week.  I am anxious about it but will at least give it a try before I finally give in to my anxiety and quit altogether.  Ha!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Looks like y'all will have many days of learning success with lots of fun mixed in!

Emily said...

haha! Gotta stick your neck out there to make friends with likeminded others! (But I TOTALLY get that anxious, dont' really want to do go, but I actually do want to go, but not really....I just wish the day would come and go already...feeling!)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

So fun that you're studying Kandinsky! That is one of my all time favorite paintings.... it almost went in Rebeka's nursery, but I figure we have plenty of time for it to make it into her big girl room one day. :-)

Kimberly said...

Oooh! That painting would be FANTASTIC to base a room off of! Good idea!