Aug 16, 2013

Discovery Center

Man alive!  Has it really been a week since I blogged?! This homeschool thing is really cutting into my regular routines!  Can't believe we are four weeks into it now!

Let me play a little catch up then...

We took a field trip to Discovery Center at Murfree Spring children's museum midweek this week.  It was a wonderful time with my babies ... once I got us there.  It's about an hour away and I called Josh on the verge of tears at one point thinking I was lost.  Turns out, I was sooo close and just hadn't gone far enough before second guessing myself. :S

Anyway, back to the destination .... The first/last time Noah was here was on Anna's second birthday ... which was awhile ago, to say the least.  So this was like a brand new stop to him.  Anna has been back since ... last fall, I wanna say, so she got right to work at the first eye-catcher when you walk in the door ... the water table!

Hard at work on their animal crayon rubbings. I was surprised by how cool they thought this was.  Memo to me ... do this again later with coins, leaves, and just textures in general.

How giant is this replica of an eagle's nest?  Way cool. 

Giving some arthropods a good examination.  I love how perfectly the Animal Secrets exhibit was timed with the animal unit study Noah is doing for school.

And since we're covering archaeology in SS, this dig exhibit was a rockin' stop to enjoy.  

Experiencing tornado/hurricane strength winds in the air tunnel up to 78 mph.  

Trying out some habitats and camoflauge displays.  

We spent a good chunk of time on their outdoor nature walk and trying to catch fish with Anna's hat.  We spotted ducks, dragonflies, fish, turtles, and all manner of plant life. The high that day was 80.  80!  So yes, we lingered outdoors just because we could. :)
The sweetie pie thank you not I got from Noah after our time together.  

I had to work really hard to just say thank you and not correct his punctuation/spelling. :}  That's the hazard of having a homeschool teacher for a momma.  

Who am I kidding?  That's just the hazard of being around me at all.


Emily said...

awwwwwwwwwe! That was so sweet. We got a thank you card from Brooklyn this summer after we did something she really enjoyed...completely's now a sweet little keepsake for me. OUr babies are the best! That museum looks cool! And you may have noticed his incorrect spelling on that note, but from a person who doesn't see his work all that regularly....I noticed how GREAT his handwriting was! Way to go Noah! Archeology? In 2nd grade? He's going to be leaps and bounds ahead of the other kids before you know it. Brooklyn learns animal facts from National geographic shows on Eagles...the baby birds will eat/kill each other if they are in the next too long with each other. only the strongest survive. How bout that? I don't know for sure if that's true, but Lee nodded his head after she told me and said that's what the show said.....I love 2nd grade! So eager to learn!

Kimberly said...

We saw that same baby eagle fact on a documentary we were watching not long ago, too! You got the National Geographic bug in us.

Emily said...

ha! That's funny! You *almost* got me into some shows on Netflix...until I realized they were all DVD only... : /

National Geographic rocks :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Posts like this one make me look forward even more to having "bigger" little kids. :-) You're such a fun mom!